7 Recipes for Natural Homemade Facials ...


7 Recipes for Natural Homemade Facials ...
7 Recipes for Natural Homemade Facials ...

I’ve been writing about natural elements and all the benefits of 100% natural homemade facials so, today, I’m going to go one step further and give you some recipes to play with. So don’t be lazy but find time to try out these 7 recipes for natural, homemade facials I’m about to list today. Why? Because they are super easy, fun and even tasty and they will definitely make your skin softer than a baby’s bum.

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Facial Mask for Oily Skin

Large pores and that constant greasy glow are the biggest problems people with oily skin type are facing with. So, when Mother Nature “blesses” you with this skin type, use natural ways to get rid of the excess oil. You’ll need honey, yogurt, lemon, grapefruit, apples, bananas – elements that nourish without greasing up an already greasy skin and elements that have natural acid to remove excess oil and shrink pores. Grate one apple and mix it with 4-6 teaspoons of warm honey. Let this mask sit on your face for 10 minutes and then remove. Or, you can mash one big, juicy tomato, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and a spoon of oatmeal and let this acidic mixture sit on your face for about 15 minutes. Rinse it off and that greasy glow will go down the drain too!


Facial Mask for Dry Skin

Use milk, chocolate, olive oil, ripe bananas and honey because these are the most nourishing elements out there. If you have bee wax (propolis), apply the mixture on your face and let it sit for a half an hour. If not, mix regular honey with some milk, add purred fruit of choice, apply and relax. Chocolate mask is my absolute favorite, of course, and here’s how to make it – Mix one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of rich, milk cream, one tablespoon of oatmeal, one tablespoon of cottage cheese and 4 tablespoons of milk. Blend the ingredients, apply this tasty paste on your face and let it sit there for about 10-15 minutes. Eat the leftovers (my favorite part) or apply them on your elbows and knees (in case you’re on a diet).


Soothing Mask for Sun Damaged Skin

Oh no! That sun was so relaxing you’ve accidentally fallen asleep and now you look like Sponge Bob’s employer, Mr. Krusty Crab! Well, this soothing mask should help you, so make sure you have it at hand while vacationing. You’ll need to mix plain chilled yogurt, oatmeal (one half yogurt, one quarter oatmeal) and finish it up by adding a few drops of jasmine, lavender or chamomile essential oil. Simple and effective! I just hope you won’t need to try it out.


Facial Mask for Normal Skin

Well you can consider yourself lucky although your skin type requires some care too. Use mashed strawberries and yogurt scrub to remove dead cells and help your skin regain its natural glow. The procedure is very simple, all you’ll have to do is mix these two ingredients and gently massage the paste in. You can leave it on a bit or rinse right away, the choice is yours. Don’t bother will exact quantities either – chill your leftovers and you’ll have a tasty, healthy snack.


Re-energizing Cucumber Facial for All Skin Types

Cucumber will wake you up and you can definitely use it regardless of your skin type. Blend one small cucumber (or ½ of the big one) with two tablespoons of chilled yogurt and you’ll look like you’ve just had the most relaxing nap in your life. You can also mix cucumber puree with used coffee grounds and make a re-energizing peel to use in those times when you just need something to wake your face up and help your skin glow.

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Time-Reversing Facial Mask

30+ skin demands extra case so you must supercharge it with sugars, vitamins and lipids your body isn’t able to produce or evenly distribute anymore. So, take out your blender and start filling it up with: 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 egg yolk. Blend the ingredients and let them sit on your face for a half an hour.


Tonning Peel off Mask

Now, this one requires some work but it works great for all skin types and removes blackheads like any store-bought peel off mask. You’ll need to boil one tablespoon of corn starch until you get a paste, then add a few mashed strawberries, one egg white and some rose water (add slowly to prevent watering down the mixture). Leave this mixture on your face until it gets completely hard and then gently peel it off. Voila!

So, girls, would you use these recipes to make your own skincare products or you prefer store bought solutions? Feel free to add your own recipes for natural, homemade facials too! I’m always in the mood for trying out new things.

Top Photo Credit: BIJI KURIAN

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

will your full time writer thing a ma bob be open soon and i will tell you what happens tomorrow

and denise one more thing (i promise) before sunday i just wanna know something how can you become an author on all women stalk i have been thinking of alot of ideas and i think it would be fun to start my own article can you plz help me with that if you cant then we can still discuss my boy issues

I tried it ur totally right I tried re-energizing cucumber facial sand it works just fine

i know its not sunday yet but i just got back from choir practice and my friend asked me "hey do you know andre" then i said i dont know him yet then she said she is really good friends with him and she told me that he is always talking about me and how he thinks i'm pretty i swear i smiled the whole time so he really is into me yay yay yay

in number 7 you say to boil corn starch until you get a paste. what are you adding to the cornstarch and how much to boil it?

it didnt sound silly at all but anyway friday is in two days so hope he is there if he isnt i'll get a little down cause i know he has basket ball practice and if he shows up then i will try my hardest to keep calm. wish me luck

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