7 Skincare Conditions That Affect Your Feet ...


When it comes to skincare, many people think about their facial skin first, however there are many skin conditions that affect your feet. Sure, they aren’t on display like your face is, but it still pays to take good care of the skin there. That way you won’t have to worry about any of these skin conditions that affect your feet. Nor will you have to suffer through dry, painful or itchy skin that will make your life miserable. Read through this list, then see your doctor if you feel like you suffer from any of these issues.

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1. Contact Dermatitis

You can potentially suffer from contact dermatitis anywhere on your body, but it’s one of the skin conditions that affect your feet on occasion too. It happens when your skin comes into contact with something that causes a reaction. That might be lotion, soap or the fabric in your socks or shoes. Once you find out what’s causing the condition, you can eliminate it or find proper treatment.

2. Athlete’s Foot

No one wants to deal with this condition, I can tell you that! It happens when your feet come into contact with bacteria and fungus that thrives in warm, moist places like the insides of your shoes. You can also pick it up from infected shoes and floors like those at the gym or pool. The best way to prevent it is to keep your feet clean and dry and to wear foot protection in public places rather than walking around barefoot. That way you can avoid the red, painful and itching blisters that athlete’s foot can cause.

3. Dryness

The skin on your feet is still skin, which means it’s at risk of dryness just like the rest of your body. If you skip moisturizing your feet, the chances are even higher. It’s best to apply lotion after your shower because damp skin locks in the moisture better. So make sure you slather it on the tops and bottoms of your feet each and every day. I also put lotion on my feet after swimming and other occasions of getting my feet wet.

4. Warts

Warts aren’t exclusive to your feet, but many people report getting them there to a higher degree than anywhere else on the body. Common warts are possible on your toes, while plantar warts often crop up on the bottoms of your feet. Mosaic warts are another type that often grow on your feet. Use an over-the-counter wart medication to treat the problem. If it persists, see your doctor.

5. Calluses

Calluses are simply a patch of hard, tough skin. They are common on the feet because you walk around on them all day. If you always wear the same shoes or go barefoot often, you may have calluses on the bottoms or sides of your feet. They generally aren’t harmful but can sometimes indicate diabetes so have them checked out by your doctor.

6. Neuropathy

Speaking of diabetes, people who suffer from the condition might experience skin changes on their feet. That includes damaged nerves and infections due to the numbness that the condition often causes. You might hurt yourself and not realize it, which means a longer healing time and the possibility of infection.

7. Gout

Gout is caused by excess uric acid and can occur as a symptom of other health issues, including obesity, kidney disease and a high protein diet. It causes a variety of symptoms, but one of the most common is a hot, red and tender spot on your big toe that is a result of inflammation and swelling in the area. You should definitely call your doctor right away if this occurs.

Do you suffer from any of these issues? What do you do to treat it?

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