7 Night Treatments for Amazing Skin ...


7 Night Treatments for Amazing Skin ...
7 Night Treatments for Amazing Skin ...

I do what I can to keep my skin looking healthy. I’d love to have youthful looking skin for as long as possible, so I’ve tried a variety of skin regimens in my lifetime. Here are 7 night treatments for amazing skin that most women get good results from, no matter what skin type they are. Let me know if you already use one of the treatments listed below and how well it works for you.

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7. Clay Mask

I have a wonderful clay mask by St. Ives that does a superb job at eliminating a lot of the oil in my skin. I wouldn’t recommend this as a treatment for every night of the week or you might end up with extremely dry and flakey skin. However, this is a good treatment for Sunday night so you can start the week off with fresh feeling skin.

6. Turn on the Humidifier

Using a humidifier in the home is great during the winter. These handy little machines can be used to put moisture into the air during all times of the year, but it seems to be most needed during the winter time. Adding even a small amount of moisture to the air in your home can do wonders for your skin as you sleep.

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5. Wash with a Moisturizing Facial Cleanser

Washing with regular bar soap will make your face feel clean, but it actually leaves a film over your skin. Bar soap tends to dry out skin faster as well, so using a liquid facial soap with moisture beads included in it is better. Your skin will feel clean and not dry and itchy later.

4. Use a Sugar Scrub to Get Rid of Dead Skin

Scrubs with sea salt will slough off dead skin just as well as the sugar scrub, but it will also dry out your skin much quicker. The sugary grit in sugar scrub for the face is much easier to rinse off your skin. This type of scrub leaves skin feeling soft and smooth.

3. Apply a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are so cool! It’s as if you are peeling away all the unwanted layers of filth that have been building up all week long. I have one with Salicylic acid in it to keep unwanted blemishes from emerging. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to check the label before applying it to your skin. There are some types of chemical peels that shouldn’t be used by individuals with sensitive skin.

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2. Use a Satin Pillow Case

Did you know that satin reduces friction between your face and the pillow? This means your skin is less likely to be pulled in different directions each time you roll over during the night. I remember my grandmother using a satin pillow case to keep her hair from being yanked out of the curlers at night, but little did I know that it was helping her skin as well!

1. Layer on a Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid in It

Not all moisturizers are created equal. The most recommended type of moisturizer includes hyaluronic acid. This type of chemical helps to rehydrate skin and make it more full looking. Dryness tends to equal wrinkles, so hyaluronic acid is a very good thing.

If any of these 7 night treatments for amazing skin make your face burn, itch, or break out, then stop using them at once. I know if something starts causing my face to burn, I removed it immediately. What is your favorite treatment to use at night to keep your skin looking healthy?

Top Photo Credit: leonsls2009

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