13 Kinds of Natural Exfoliants for Your Skin ...


Natural exfoliants for your skin can achieve results that chemicals products can, without being harsh on your skin. Exfoliants are used to scrub away dead skin cells to reveal new skin underneath. This skin care process improves the texture of skin, unclogs pores, and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can promote skin health by exfoliating 2-3 times a week on your face and body. Exfoliants can vary in size and harshness. Each of these natural exfoliants for your skin can be found in soaps and scrubs or you can make them yourself.

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1. Coffee Beans

Coffee Beans Ground coffee beans are on the top of the list for trending natural exfoliants for your skin. The natural vitamin E, magnesium and caffeine helps tone and firm your skin, remove dead skin cells and reduce the cottage cheese look of cellulite. So take your morning cup of Joe in the shower and perk up your skin!

2. Colloidal Oatmeal

Colloidal Oatmeal This is not your everyday breakfast oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is made from oats ground very finely to help moisturize extra dry skin making it softer. It can also soothe skin irritation associated with eczema, chickenpox, sunburn and poison ivy.

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3. Crushed Grape Seeds

Crushed Grape Seeds The Fountain of Youth found in crushed grape seeds? Maybe so! Grape seeds are an excellent source of vitamin C, which may help reduce some wrinkling. They also have vitamin E which helps your skin hold onto moisture. These elements can improve your skin's texture and reduce the signs of aging.

4. Cranberry Seeds

Cranberry Seeds Cranberry seeds are a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that can smooth the skin and reduce irritation. Gentle exfoliation with cranberry seeds can remove dull, dry and patchy skin, restoring the look and feel of youthful skin.

5. Strawberry Seeds

Strawberry Seeds Looking for a natural acne remedy? Try strawberry seeds. They are filled with powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and redness that is caused by acne. After exfoliating with strawberry seeds, your pores will be clean and tight, leaving your skin looking clear and beautiful.

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6. Blueberry Seeds

Blueberry Seeds Blueberry seeds contain some of the highest antioxidant levels found in any fruit or vegetable. These little guys help protect the skin from free radical damage and from showing visible signs of aging.

7. Raspberry Seeds

Raspberry Seeds Raspberry seeds are the blueberry seed's little sister. They are rich in antioxidants that give the seed strong anti-inflammatory properties. These seeds can also help firm the skin and minimize pores.

8. Jojoba Beads

Jojoba Beads You have probably seen these mini beads in many of your cosmetic products, from soap to shower gel. Jojoba beads are small spheres of wax produced from the desert shrub, jojoba. These gentle beads have moisturizing properties which makes them so popular.

9. Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar The tiny particles of brown sugar serve as mini scrubbing beads that remove dry skin while unclogging pores. Your complexion will be soft with an overall glow. The sweet aroma will leave you smelling like sugar and spice and everything nice!

10. Sea Salt

Sea Salt This is not your average table salt. Sea salt is rich in minerals to help eliminate toxins from the body. While removing dead skin, the sea salt will promote your body's natural secretion of healthy oils, relieving dry and flaky skin.

11. Ground Loofah

Ground Loofah We usually use loofah sponges that are stuck on the end of a wooden stick to wash our backs. Ground loofah can be added to body muds as a natural and biodegradable exfoliant.

12. Pumice Powder

Pumice Powder If you like a deep exfoliation try pumice powder. We usually use pumice stones on our heels to remove that stubborn rough skin while we're getting pedi. This powder comes from the pumice rock that is formed after a volcano erupts.

13. Bamboo Powder

Bamboo Powder Bamboo powder comes from the leaves and stalks of bamboo. It is rich in silica, which helps keeps the skin healthy. It also has anti-irritant properties that can sooth skin. And antioxidants to help minimize wrinkles and naturally boost your youthful radiance. Who knew?

When exfoliating be extra careful and scrub gently, especially if your skin is sensitive. After exfoliating it is important to apply a moisturizer or body lotion to replenish and hydrate the skin cells. You should stop using an exfoliant if your skin becomes too red or irritated. Will you be trying out one of these natural exfoliating remedies?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

cool! I knew about the coffee beans and the salt... but most of these are new to me. will try! :)

I loved this post! It's so great for women on a budget who don't want to break the bank on a professional treatment :) So helpful, will DEFINITELY try these!

wow, this was a good post, really helpful!

I wouldn't try the pumice, but this was a really great post :) One thing that gave me amazing skin is mashing up different berries together and putting them on my face. I'm young already, but it seems to have reversed the aging on my skin, healed acne, acne scars, and protects against the sun.

don't use scrub on your face every day and never use something as harsh as brown sugar, try going for the berries mentioned and just once a week!

I love this post. However I am scared the oats will clog my drain...

pls nobody use the brown sugar! I used the brown sugar as a scrub for 2 days and got he rly bad rash on the third, it quite literally looked like I had horrible acne EVERYWHERE on my face. I then was put on a antibiotic for 21 days to get rid of it... plus 14 days no sugar, directed by my doc., which sucked cuz summer had just started. don't use sugar!

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