How to Use Marula Oil for a Softer Smoother Face ...


Never heard of marula oil? I hadn’t either, but once I found out what it was, I was so glad I found out. The oil comes from the nuts of the Marula tree. It is sometimes used as a cooking oil, but the far more common use is in cosmetics. There’s a good reason for that because the oil is super hydrating so it smooths and softens the skin each time you use it. It also contains antioxidants, which can keep your skin healthy and help fight the signs of aging.

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1. Choose Your Product Because Many Contain Marula Oil

Marula oil appears in a surprising number of skincare products. That includes serums, moisturizers, creams and lotions. You might even find it in cleansers. Using any of these products will infuse your skin with the nutrients and antioxidants in marula oil. If you want the best benefits, use the products that stay on your skin, like creams.

2. Stick with a Consistent Application Schedule for the Most Benefits

To reap the major rewards that marula oil has to offer, you need to use it consistently. That means using your products on a daily basis according to the package directions. The benefits occur each time you use marula oil, but the results will build up over time so that you start to see the positives in just a few days.

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3. Rub the Marula Oil Products in Gently with Your Fingers

The skin on your face is pretty delicate so you want to use a gentle hand when you rub the marula oil in. Generally, your middle finger is the one that is the least harsh, so use it to carefully dab the oil into your entire face.

4. Don’t Skimp on the Marula Oil when You Apply It

You don’t want to use so much of your product that you’re wasting money, but you want to use enough to get the job done. You should be able to rub it in pretty quickly and if you’re still trying to get it to absorb after a minute or two, you probably have too much. A drop about the size of a nickel is just about ideal for covering your face, jaw and neck.

5. Use It Even if You Have Acne Prone Skin

It might seem strange to put oil on skin that is prone to breakouts. But, experts say that marula oil is non-comodogenic, which means that it won’t clog your pores. That means that just about anyone can use marula oil products without fear of pimples and blemishes. As an added bonus, marula oil also has antimicrobial properties, which means it might heal existing acne.

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6. Look for Marula Oil Products That Are Labeled as Fair Trade

Because the Marula tree grows in distant lands, it must be harvested and processed before being used in skincare products. That, of course, means that someone has to do all that work. By buying fair trade products you ensure that the people doing that work are compensated appropriately for their efforts.

7. Run It by Your Dermatologist before You Start Using Marula Oil Products

As with any changes to your skincare routine, it’s a good idea to talk to your skin doctor first. He or she will tell you whether the oil is appropriate for use on your skin and can give you suggestions for getting the most out of it.

Have you ever heard of marula oil? Do you think you’ll be using it now?

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I agree with @peonyblue. A photo and where it can be bought. Maybe examples of products it is in?

A photo of it would have been good. There are oils aplenty our there. I love shea butter still and coconut oil.

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