Whether it’s down to a new brand of face wash or simply the effect of seasonal change, dry skin is irritating and unsightly. Luckily, however, it can be relatively easy to fix. In view of the impending shift from winter to summer (if you live up north) or vice versa if you’re from the southern hemisphere, I’ve done some research and put together a list 7 tips on preventing skin dehydration.
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1. Drink Water
I thought I’d start with the most obvious preventative measure on the list. We all know it’s important to drink water regularly for a whole range of reasons. Make sure you’re getting around 6-8 glasses a day; this will help to keep skin feeling fresh and supple.
2. Use a Gentle Cleanser
The same goes for body washes and soaps. Using harsh product on your face and body can significantly contribute to dryness of the skin. Choose products that advertise themselves as ‘soap free’ or ‘especially formulated for dry skin.’
3. Temperature Troubles
Dermatologists recommend that we avoid washing in very hot water as this can aggravate dryness of the skin. Instead of a boiling bath or shower, make sure yours is just warm enough. In order further to reduce the drying effects of hot water, infuse your bath with nourishing essential oils, and use a rich, moisturising shower gel.
4. Strategic Moisturising
The best time to moisturise, experts tell us, is directly after a bath or shower. Our pores are clean and open, and our skin absorbs creams and lotions well under these conditions. Make sure the moisturisers you use on your face and body are gentle and perfume free if possible; scented products tend to have a drying effect.
5. Exfoliate Wisely
While exfoliation is an important part of any skin care routine, it’s important that once you’ve buffed away those dead cells, you moisturise effectively to prevent dryness. In addition, experts suggest that instead of mits and exfoliating gloves we use specially formulated products such as body washes and facial scrubs. These have been designed to do just the right amount of skin polishing so the danger of over-exfoliation –ever-present with a loofah – is significantly reduced.
6. Be Aware of Your Environment
Artificially warmed and cooled environments can really play havoc with moisture levels in the skin. If you spend your days in an office, it’s a good idea to take precautions against dehydration. Make sure your skincare products are gentle, you’re drinking enough water and perhaps carry a moisturiser with you so you can apply it throughout the day when necessary.
7. Supplements for Suppleness
There is any number of vitamins available on the market that will help you to control your skin’s moisture levels. Any supplement rich in Omega 3 fatty acids will boost skin’s suppleness, and, in fact, increasing you intake of oily fish (like salmon and trout) and nuts will be beneficial as well.
This is my list of 7 tips on preventing skin dehydration, but there are many, many more measures you can take. What are your favourites? Let us know!
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