7 Valuable Tips from the American Academy of Dermatology ...

Eliza Nov 1, 2014

The American Academy of Dermatology is a renowned institution that gives people only the best and most researched advice when it comes to skincare. It’s also a go-to source for advice, answers to questions and help finding a dermatologist in the area. No matter what your skincare need, the American Academy of Dermatology can help you. Its website is a wonderful and vast source of information, but it can be a bit overwhelming so I’ve gathered some of the best tips they have and brought them here to you.

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1. Prevent Skin Cancer

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you can prevent skin cancer on your own. There are several ways you can do this. Make sure you always wear sunscreen and a hat when you plan to be outdoors. Stick to the shade when possible and try to avoid being outdoors during peak UV hours.

2. Do a Regular Skin Check

This goes along with Step #1. You should examine your entire body on a regular basis so that you know if any changes or mysterious things happen that need to be checked out by a dermatologist. If you do notice any spots that have grown or changed or see something that makes you nervous, make an appointment right away.

3. Treat Dry Skin

Very dry skin can crack, which introduces the chance that bacteria and germs will get into the cracks and leave you with a raging skin infection. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends treating dry skin right away to nip the problem in the bud before it turns into a major problem. You can do this by taking lukewarm instead of really hot showers, moisturizing several times per day, wearing skincare products that have gentle ingredients and seeing your doctor if you can’t get rid of dry skin.

4. Use a Humidifier

This is a great idea for a lot of people because it moistens the air, which is easier on your skin than dry air. If you suffer from chapped lips or tight skin, running a humidifier can really help. Of course, you’ll need to clean it regularly to keep mildew and mold at bay.

5. Shave the Right Way

You might wonder why such a prestigious organization is bothering with shaving tips, but it’s for a reason. Doing it the wrong way can leave your skin irritated and raw and much like dry skin does, you could introduce nasty bugs that can cause infections and other icky problems. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests using shaving cream or gel on wet skin, shaving the same direction as your hair and changing your blade every five shaves or so.

6. Don’t Spend a Lot

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you don’t have to spend a ton of money to create a good skincare routine. Choose a minimum of products instead of falling into the trap of buying everything. Moisturizer, cleanser and sunscreen are your top priorities. An anti-aging cream is another good option.

7. Kids Need Skincare Too

Little kids might appear to have youthful, fresh skin, but it still needs care. The American Academy of Dermatology says that children should have a dermatologist that has experience treating kids. Children should also use moisturizer and gentle cleansers on their skin now so it stays healthy down the road.

Do you have any other fabulous skincare tips to add? The American Academy of Dermatology has a great website chock full of great information. Check it out at aad.org.

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