Your body relies on a certain number of nutrients for good overall health. If you’re deficient, your body will eventually show it by suffering from a variety of ailments. One place you might notice the signs of nutrient deficiencies is on your skin. To find out if there is truly a deficiency, you would need to get a private scan. The good news is that it only takes a few seconds to scan your skin to figure out if you may be missing out on an important vitamin or mineral. If you have any of these issues, you may want to talk to your doctor about how to increase your nutrient intake.
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1. Dandruff Means You Might Be Low in Zinc
Those white flakes that come out of your hair are never pretty. If you’re wearing dark colors, it can be totally obvious too. Turns out that dandruff may be a result of a zinc deficiency. Because meat is one of your best sources of zinc, vegetarians may become deficient. In addition to meat and seafood, beans, yogurt, nuts and cheese contain zinc.
2. Do Get Cold Sores on Your Lips? You Need More Vitamin E
Cold sores are caused by a virus, but you can sometimes ward them off by making sure you get enough vitamin E. Of course, you may want to talk to your doctor if you get recurrent cold sores or they don’t get better. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, nuts and fortified foods.
3. Recurrent Acne May Get Better with More Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important for healthy skin and is an antioxidant that can help keep your skin clear and blemish-free. You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis and bell peppers. If you feel like you still aren’t getting enough, talk to your doctor about a supplement that can help you fill in the spaces in your diet.
4. Lack of Iron Can Cause Paleness on Your Hands
Look at the creases on your hands. Do they look pale or lighter than the area around them? This could mean you have an iron deficiency. Iron carries oxygen throughout your body and helps prevent anemia. Women are at a higher risk of iron deficiency so it really pays to keep track of your intake. Iron is plentiful in red meats, fortified breakfast cereal, oysters, beans, peas, rice and eggs.
5. Dry Skin May Mean You Need Several Nutrients
It’s normal for skin to get a bit dry when the weather gets cold, but recurrent or acutely dry skin could mean you aren’t getting enough vitamins A and C. Check out #3 for good sources of vitamin C. You can find vitamin A in organ meats, salmon, leafy green veggies and orange fruits and vegetables. Combined, vitamins A and C help keep skin healthy and hydrated. You also need to make sure you’re getting enough water to help keep dry skin at bay.
6. Vitamin B2 Helps Prevent Cracks on Your Lips
You might not hear too much about vitamin B2, but it’s pretty important for keeping your skin healthy. If you have cracks on the edges of your lips, you might not be getting enough. Food sources of vitamin B2, which is also called riboflavin, include fortified cereal, oats, beef liver, yogurt, milk, mushrooms and cheese.
7. If You’ve Been Diagnosed with Psoriasis, You May Need More Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiencies are getting more attention these days because doctors are realizing its importance. Vitamin D plays a role in healthy bones so it makes sense to be sure you’re getting enough. Unfortunately, food sources aren’t as plentiful as with other nutrients. Fortified milk is your best option, but mushrooms also contain the nutrient. If you have psoriasis, you may need a supplement.
Do you have any of these skin issues? Will you get checked for a nutrient deficiency?
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