8 Essential Skin Care Tips for Healthy Skin ...


8 Essential Skin Care Tips for Healthy Skin ...
8 Essential Skin Care Tips for Healthy Skin ...

Tips for Healthy Skin can be found all over the web. I’ve read all kinds of crazy things to do — like using school glue as a facial mask! Crazy, right? As a licensed esthetician, I’ve heard many crazy skin care tips from my clients, but these 8 essential skin care tips I can guarantee will give you healthy skin! Glue is meant for sticking paper together, not for skin care, so let’s keep it that way.

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1. Remove Your Makeup

Your body uses the time that you are asleep to rejuvenate and restore itself. If you are sleeping in your makeup at night, you are causing damage to your skin because it is blocked and clogged by the makeup during its healing process. You need to completely remove your makeup every night before going to bed, and follow up by cleansing your skin.

2. Cleanse Your Skin

Many women think that taking off their makeup is the same thing as cleansing their skin, but in reality taking off your makeup is just that. Using a makeup removing wipe or an oily makeup remover leaves residue on the skin that can cause breakouts and skin irritations. At the same time, if you skip removing your makeup and go straight for your facial cleanser you’re not effectively cleansing the skin — you are simply removing makeup. These steps go hand in hand and it is essential to both every night. You should also cleanse your skin each morning.

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3. Moisturize

Cleansing should always be followed by applying moisturizer no matter what skin type you have. Cleansing your skin removes your skin’s natural oils from its surface. These oils moisturize and protect the skin from outside elements. If you don’t reapply moisture to the skin, your body will over-produce oil to make up for what is missing causing you to have shiny, greasy skin. If you naturally have oily skin, use a lightweight, water-based moisturizer. If you have dry skin you will be able to use a richer, creamier moisturizer.

4. Exfoliate

Dead skin cells cause oil and bacteria to get trapped in the pores and cause skin to look dull and aged. By gently scrubbing dead skin cells away, you are able to cleanse your skin more thoroughly and help reduce the amount of break outs and signs of aging. Removing dead skin cells increases your cell turnover process so that you have new skin cells on the surface more often. Exfoliating can be done by using a gentle scrub, a topical form of vitamin A, or a chemical exfoliant. All are effective if used as directed.

5. Sunscreen

If you want your skin to remain healthy and look young as you get older, it is essential to apply sunscreen every single day — no exceptions! No matter where you are (unless you’re living in a cave and never leave) you are exposed to the sun. Even if you are only exposed for as little as 10 minutes each day, it is important to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun.

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6. Antioxidants

Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause damage and sometimes cancer to the skin. Vitamin C is the best topical antioxidant for your skin. You should apply it at night before applying your moisturizer. Since your body restores itself at night, it will make good use of the vitamin C while you’re sleeping. Vitamin C helps restore your body’s collagen and elastin (plumpness & tightness) in addition to fighting off damaging free radicals.

7. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking the appropriate amount of water each day helps your body release toxins. If your body doesn’t receive enough water, it must release toxins in a different way such as through your pores which causes break outs and irritation on the skin’s surface. Drink the recommended 8 glasses of water each day to improve the look of your skin. Dehydrated skin looks dull and unhealthy. Remember that drinking caffeinated beverages can be dehydrating, so you’ll need to drink extra water when you have caffeine.

8. Eye Cream

The skin under your eyes is the most delicate area of the face. This skin should be treated with utmost care—no stretching, tugging, pulling! Apply a rich eye cream to this area every night before bed to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, dark circles, and aging.

Caring properly for your skin may seem like a lot of work, but once you implement these tips for healthy skin they become habits that are easy to do each day. What is your skin care routine like? Do you follow these essential steps?

Top Image Source: fashiongonerogue.com

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What kind of eye cream do you suggest?

I have a 16 month old son and I'd like to at least pretend I get sleep haha. Under my eyes are usually dark and a little puffy. Do you have any suggestions for a cream at night?

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