7 Amazingly Effective Tips on Prepping Your Skin for Winter ...


7 Amazingly Effective Tips on Prepping Your Skin for Winter ...
7 Amazingly Effective Tips on Prepping Your Skin for Winter ...

Prepping your skin for winter is going to be easy peasy this year because I’ve got seven helpful tips on how you can prepare your skin from the fall to winter. Even if you’ve never changed your skin care routine according to changes in the seasons in the past, it’s never too late to start and your skin will really appreciate it! Let’s get right into these 7 amazingly effective tips on prepping your skin for winter.

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1. Start Switching Formulas

One of the top tips in prepping your skin for winter is going to be to switch formulas in your skin care regimen. You don’t have drop everything and invest in all new skin care products right this minute, but think about switching your lightweight formulas to thicker ones. Depending on where you live and your skin type, some people are able to get away with using the same skin care products all year long. I’m not that lucky so I need to start buying thicker creams for my body and face.

2. Don’t Stop the Sunscreen

Just because the weather gets cooler doesn’t mean you get to take a break from sunscreen. If you aren’t currently in the habit of wearing sunscreen all year long, it’s time to start! Even if the skies are gray, our skin still needs the protection, so it’s best to permanently incorporate sunscreen into your skin care routine. If you ski or are outdoors a lot, make sure you use a minimum of SPF 30. Don’t forget to look for SPF when you buy lip balm, too!

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3. Exfoliate

Exfoliating is another skin care tip that might sound played out but it’s because it’s just that important. Whether you’re applying self-tanner, shaving or just wanting softer, smoother skin, it’s all about the exfoliation, baby. Exfoliating your skin will help you get rid of dry, flaky skin and keep your stems looking top-notch for those dresses and skirts. Make sure you make or buy an exfoliator for your lips, also.

4. Wear Gloves

If you live in some of the colder areas of the country, start wearing gloves outdoors. Dermatologist Deborah Sarnoff recommends wearing gloves now so you avoid any minor chapping on the hands, which can turn into fissures that can get infected. Once skin gets infected, applying lotion can burn, so you end up forgoing moisturizer and the vicious cycle starts.

5. Layer Your Skin Care

Another tip in winter skin care is to layer your skin care products. Try using a serum or face oil to create a barrier between the elements and your skin and help skin appear smoother and more hydrated. Apply a moisturizer on top and you should be good to go! You can do the same for your body care; simply use a body oil and apply lotion on top.

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6. Use a Humidifier

If you’re like most people and crank up the heat when it gets cold, consider buying a humidifier. Using a humidifier can help your skin and lips from drying out by dispersing moisture back into the air. Humidifiers can help keep your nasal passages moist, which is helpful when you have a cold, allergies or get a bloody nose. They’re also said to help with snoring by keeping the throat moist, so if you or your partner snores, a humidifier could be helpful!

7. Moisturize More

Since the winter weather can really do a number on your skin, make it a habit to moisturize more often this time of year. This is especially important if you’re planning on traveling to a cold area or plan on flying frequently. Keep skin hydrated on the go by using a rose water mist or Evian mist and drinking plenty of water.

There you have it, 7 simple but effective tips on prepping your skin for winter weather. I moved to a very cold, dry area so I’ve already started some of these steps to help prepare my skin. Do you change your skin care regimen when the seasons change? Do you have any winter skin care tips you want to share with us? We want to know your secrets!

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Tip: do NOT exfoliate more than twice a week. It will only cause damage! (I learned the hard way)

Since when is there SPF in lip balm? O___o

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