When spring comes, you get the urge to clean, repair and make new. That should include your skin. Your skin takes a beating against the harsh elements of winter and needs some special care once spring arrives. These are things you can do to give your skin a fresh start for spring.
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1. A Microdermabraision Treatment
Microdermabrasion treatments are facial treatments that exfoliate and regenerate your skin. Winter leaves your skin dull and dry. Microdermabrasion is the perfect choice to slough off the old skin to reveal the fresh, healthier skin underneath. This treatment can be done professionally but you can also achieve good results at home. Philosophy’s Microdelivery Peel is a kit that I’ve enjoyed using to refresh and renew my skin.
2. Give Yourself a Skin Cleanse
It’s good to give your skin a cleanse. This means you give your face a couple of days with no or just minimal makeup like eyeliner and mascara. This is good to do after a microdermabrasion treatment. It allows your skin to have some time without being bombarded with the chemicals most makeup contains. Blemishes will heal quicker and you may even glow by the end of your skin cleanse.
3. Remove Impurities with a Clay Mask
Another great treatment that you can give your skin to deal with the after effects of winter is a clay mask. Most clay masks are specifically designed to remove impurities. Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal Mask is a great choice to clear your pores and remove any deep down dirt that your daily cleanser leaves behind. It’s a good idea to space your facial treatments out, though. You don’t want to do one on top of another because it could cause potential irritation to your skin.
4. Look for New Problem Areas
Spring is a good time to take a good hard look at your skin. Enjoy that bright spring sunshine and examine your skin for any new problem areas that may have popped up over the winter months. Do you have any fine lines or wrinkles appearing? Any areas where blemishes seem to be concentrating? It’s good to be aware of what’s going on with your skin.
5. Evaluate Your Skincare Regime
Spring is a good time to evaluate your skincare regime. Is it still meeting your needs? Do you need to change it for warmer weather? Your skin care needs to change with the seasons. You may need something less moisturizing in the spring and summer than you do in the fall and winter. You may need something stronger for acne once warm weather hits.
6. Recommit to Moisturizer with Sunscreen
One thing you should always do for your skin in the spring is commit to using a moisturizer with sunscreen. Ideally, you should be doing this year round but it’ especially important in warm weather when you’re spending more time outdoors. Everyone needs a moisturizer, regardless of whether your skin is oily or dry. There are different moisturizers for different skin types. Choose one for your skin type and make sure it has at least SPF 25 in it for the best sun protection.
7. See Your Dermatologist
This doesn’t necessarily have to be a spring event but spring’s a good time to do it. Everyone should see a dermatologist once a year for a full skin check. Why not do it in the spring when you’re doing a major overhaul on taking care of your skin? If you’ve noticed any problems, you can get them taken care of now. Don’t ever hesitate to ask your dermatologist about any areas you’re concerned about.
These are 7 things you should do for your skin this spring. How does your skin care routine change in the spring? I’d love to hear what tweaks you make.