Wonderful Skincare Hacks Your Reflection Will Thank You for ...

Eliza Jan 23, 2021

Wonderful Skincare Hacks Your Reflection Will Thank You for ...
Wonderful Skincare Hacks Your Reflection Will Thank You for ...

Taking care of your skin helps keep it looking healthy and gorgeous. True, some aspects of proper skincare are time consuming or just downright confusing. Short of getting a degree in dermatology, what's a girl to do? Well, I've gathered some of the best hacks from the experts and I'm here to share them with all of you. Enjoy!

Snapshot Survey

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

1. Soothe Burns with Honey

blond, supermodel, Oooooh, burn, 000, Did you burn yourself with a curling iron or hot pan? A thin layer of honey will soothe the burn.

2. Use Tea Bags on Pimples

product, lighting, porcelain, ceramic, drink, A warm tea bag can help diminish redness and swelling associated with a major breakout.

3. Save Your Feet with Deodorant

performing arts, dance, entertainment, performance art, sports, Wearing a new pair of shoes. Apply some deodorant to your feet to prevent blisters.

4. Use Sugar to Get Rid of Cracked Feet

human action, leg, muscle, finger, hand, Combine equal amounts sugar and coconut oil and you have a fabulous scrub for cracked heels.

5. Cold Spoons for Puffy Eyes

human action, hair, person, blond, clothing, Stash a couple of spoons in the freezer and then press them against your eyes in the morning to remove puffiness.

6. Use Fresh Aloe for Acne

marriage, ceremony, wedding, wedding reception, fuckyeahgif, Snap off the leaf of an aloe vera plant and use it to soothe and heal acne.

7. An Ice Cube Will Cut the Grease

black and white, white, photography, monochrome photography, monochrome, If you look in the mirror and see a shiny face, simply run an ice cube over the area to remove the grease.

8. Get Rid of Blackheads with Lemon

citrus, food, fruit, produce, plant, Before bed each night, sprinkle a lemon half with sugar and gently massage it into your face. This will help prevent blackheads.

9. Salt Water Will Take Care of Redness

sky, wave, shore, wind wave, sea, Soak a cotton ball in salt water and apply it to red spots on your face to help get rid of the problem.

10. Eat More Vitamin K

plant, food, produce, fruit, land plant, Boosting your vitamin K intake will help lessen the appearance of dark under eye circles. Pears and avocados are great choices.

11. Eat More Leafy Greens to Prevent Wrinkles

human action, person, eating, romance, sense, Eat more greens and you boost your vitamin A intake to help prevent wrinkles.

12. Drink Lemon Balm Tea to Prevent Cold Sores

person, singing, singer, 111, This is pretty easy, right?

13. Tone Your Skin with Apple Cider Vinegar

face, hair, person, brown hair, hairstyle, Instead of using the harsh toners at the store, try combining equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water and using that instead.

14. Refresh Your Skin with Watermelon

food, melon, watermelon, fruit, plant, Lightly rubbing watermelon rind into your skin is an instant refresher and a way to infuse it with nutrients.

15. Make Your Own anti-wrinkle Mask

pink, face, clothing, nose, head, This homemade mask is perfect for combating wrinkles. Combine a banana with some orange juice and plain yogurt and let it sit on your skin for 20 minutes.

16. Hydrate Chapped Lips with Honey

audience, orchestra, Next time you are out of lip balm, rub a dab of honey on your lips to instantly rehydrate them.

17. Use a Tomato to Get Rid of White Heads

audience, It's, like, magic, Remove white heads by rubbing the pulp of a tomato on them.

Which of these skincare hacks are you dying to try?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Got so excited at seeing the same China cup that collects dust in my cupboard😂

Does the sugar really work

I wanna try the scrub.

I like

Thanks for the tips.

Does the tomato work

Really good tips! Thanks!!

Love these DIY with ingredients that you already have in your home !!!

@Sev i know right!?. I really wish thus tip would go away!. Lemon is way to acidic for anyones skin.

I wouldn't put lemon on my face, it's too harsh. The rest of the tips are good, sugar and olive oil also makes an excellent scrub.

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