7 Skin Mistakes Even the Savviest Girl Makes ...


We all make skin mistakes, but that doesn’t mean they have to become a habit. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it’s pretty delicate, so it’s best to pay close attention to your skin so you can provide it with the tender loving care it needs to stay looking fresh and radiant your whole life through. Check out these common skin mistakes and what you can do to keep yourself from making them again and again. Your skin will thank you, I promise!

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1. Skimping on Water

I know as well as anyone that water can get boring. However, skimping on it is one of the most common skin mistakes that girls make. It’s also the easiest one to fix. Simply carry a water bottle around with you so you can sip regularly. You can also eat more foods high in water, such as cucumbers, lettuce and oranges. Water is important for keeping your skin hydrated, smooth and supple, so it’s a great idea to up your intake. Add lemons, limes or mint leaves to give it some flavor.

2. Forgetting Sunscreen

This is a major skincare mistake. Sunscreen blocks harmful UVA and UVB rays from damaging your skin, leaving it looking creased and old. Forgetting your sunscreen also increases your risk of skin cancer. You need to remember to apply SPF every day for the most benefit. I use a facial moisturizer with sunscreen in that I can apply my make-up right on top of. Don’t forget to slather your ears and neck too!

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3. Wearing Make-up to Bed

Even if you only remove it to keep the colors from smearing all over your pillowcase, that’s something. However, think about this. All that make-up that rubs off your face and onto your pillow traps dirt and crud in your pores, which can make you more susceptible to a break out. It also gets in the way of healthy skin turnover, which can leave your skin looking dull and old. It only takes a couple of minutes to wipe make-up off, so stop skipping it and make it a priority.

4. Using Harsh Products

If you equate, squeaky, tight skin with cleanliness, you aren’t doing your skin any favors. Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. When it comes to skin, over cleansing with harsh chemicals strips it of the healthy oils that prevent dryness and enhance youthfulness. So skip those harsh skin cleansers and look for something natural. Moisturize each time you wash your face to lock in the hydration and give those good ingredients a chance to do their magic.

5. Exfoliating All the Time

Yes, exfoliating is good because it gets rid of product residue and dead skin cells, but too much isn’t good for your skin. Read the directions on the product you choose and stick to it pretty closely. That way, you reap the benefits of sloughing your skin without overdoing it and ending up with inflammation and redness.

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6. Picking at Blemishes

I know how tempting it can be to pick that pimple or squeeze that blackhead. Well, it turns out that’s a mistake. When you do so, you open your skin, which leaves it susceptible to bacteria and other nasty stuff that can cause infections or scars. Leave your blemishes alone and they’re sure to disappear. Use products designed to prevent breakouts so that you don’t have to deal with multiple blemishes at the same time. If you still can’t control the problem, talk to your doctor about prescription medications that can help.

7. Ignoring Expiration Dates

Yes, your make-up and skincare products have an expiration date. That means that you can’t use them indefinitely without facing certain problems. That includes clogged pores and exposure to harmful bacteria. For example, foundation is only good for about six months. After that it can cause more harm than good when applied to your skin. A general rule of thumb is to toss anything with a strange texture or smell. Also, if you can’t remember how long you’ve had it, it’s probably a good idea to just get rid of it and buy new products.

Do you make any of these skincare mistakes? How do you plan to stop?

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Thanks for the reminders! I save every one of them...I have just the worst skin imaginable, so I can attest that keeping all these in mind WILL improve the condition of your skin...#2 is an essential...especially on cloudy days! The sun's rays still penetrate cloud cover, so try to get into the habit of using a moisturizer with a healthy SPF every day, your face will always be protected...oh #6! If you are a woman cursed with lifelong acne (I am one such woman), you will learn the hard way that picking & squeezing will only leave you with scars...that don't fade :(. I don't mean to be gross here, so lease forgive me, but I hope some younger ladies can learn from my experience...so, if youick nd squeeze blackheads, you may notice that they never go away, they always return to the same pores...because each time you disturb pores to unclog them, you actually enlarge the pores, thus making them more susceptible to blackheads...if you must squeeze a whitehead, don't use your fingers. Period! If you pop one using your fingers, you risk spreading the bacteria to other areas of your face, which just causes more breakouts. If you must, and of course there are times when you must, use alcohol and a sterile lance to pierce the whitehead. Then make certain you gently sterilize the area using a small amount of alcohol, use a q-tip dabbed with just a pinch of alcohol over the pimple; then, immediately, wash your hands, especially your fingers, to kill any of the bacteria that may be on your hands. Then just let it dry out on it's own. I know how embarrassing bad skin is! It has to be one of the 2 or 3 biggest confidence-blocking conditions with which to be cursed :)...go to a dermatologist if your skin continues to break out, baca use there are so many products/medicines out there that can improve your condition. And a good dermatologist should always be willing to zap pimples medically for you especially those hard red ones that seem to last forever. Again, thanks Eliza! And ladies, if this is your curse, don't ever allow it from preventing your inner goddess from shining through

Do I have to apply sun screen even in the winter?

C mon u can keep the foundation for more than 6 months it's ridiculous

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