Super-Effective Natural Remedies to Banish Blackheads Instantly ...


Super-Effective Natural Remedies to Banish Blackheads Instantly  ...
Super-Effective Natural Remedies to Banish Blackheads Instantly  ...

Grrr! Blackheads are so frustrating. They look horrible, they’re hard to cover up and they can be even harder to get rid of. What’s a girl to do? If you’ve tried all the products on store shelves, it might be time to try something natural. Often, a tried and true remedy that’s been used for generations is better at giving you the results you want and you don’t expose yourself to so many harsh ingredients and chemicals. Here are some of the best. Give them a try- I think you’ll like the results. Let me know how things work out for you.

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Mix up Some Cinnamon and Lemon Juice

hair, hairstyle, beauty, model, I know it sounds weird, but it might just be the solution that works for you. Simply combine a one to one ratio of ground cinnamon with lemon juice. Once you form a paste with the mixture, gently apply it to your blackheads. Give it about 20 minutes to do its magic, then rinse with warm water. One application isn’t likely to make a difference, so try this concoction a couple of times per week until you see results.


Oatmeal Combined with Rose Water is Easy and Fast

eyebrow, hair, hairstyle, nose, forehead, Oatmeal has long been touted as a magical ingredient for skincare. You’ve probably heard of using it for irritated skin or to alleviate the pain of a sunburn. Turns out it can also suck those nasty blackheads out. Simply drizzle oatmeal with rosewater until you create a thick paste. Spread it on the affected areas, allow it to work for about 20 minutes, then rinse.


Combine Turmeric and Mint and Get Ready for a Clear up

clothing, hair, blond, model, beauty, To use this method, simply mix a teaspoon of turmeric with about double the amount of mint juice. Slather it on the areas where your blackheads are cropping up. Prop your feet up and read a magazine for about 20 minutes, then rinse and get on with the day. Easy enough, right?


A Lemon Juice and Yogurt Scrub is Super Simple

color, eyebrow, hair, blond, pink, To make the concoction, simply combine yogurt, lemon juice and salt until you get a good scrub consistency. You’ll then gently massage the mixture into the affected areas. This gentle exfoliation will help slough off the dirt and debris that can lead to blackheads while the ingredients in the lemon juice and yogurt improve the health of your skin.


Good Old Egg Whites Are Pretty Effective

clothing, hair, hairstyle, eyebrow, bangs, This is really easy and fast. First, separate an egg white from the yolk. Toss the yolk because you won’t need it. Then, using your finger or a cotton swab, gently dab the blackheads with egg white. Let the whites dry, the follow with a couple more layers. Once you have three layers applied, wait 15 minutes, then rinse.

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Try Black Pepper Stirred into Yogurt

clothing, person, photography, brassiere, model, It doesn’t sound very appetizing, but many women report less blackheads after trying this method. Combine 1 part black pepper to 2 parts yogurt and stir well until it’s well combined. Spread the concoction all over the blackheads and let it work for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and you’re done.


Stick with the Tried and True Baking Soda Method

blond, person, hair, woman, hairstyle, All you have to do here is create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Then, smear it all over the affected areas and gently massage it in for a couple of minutes. Rinse with water and that’s all it takes. Easy, right?


Try a Wonderful Walnut and Honey Scrub

hair, human hair color, face, black hair, blond, Start by grinding 2 walnuts into a fine powder and then mix 1 tablespoon of honey before scrubbing gently for a minute. Concentrate on the blackheads affected areas and wash off with cool water. Walnuts rich in vitamin E, C and B-6 make the skin soft, supple, healthy and glowing. Use this scrub twice or thrice in a week to prevent and control blackheads.


Try a Challenging Charcoal Mask

hair, clothing, person, black hair, lady, Here you will need 1 capsule of activated charcoal, 1 teaspoon of Fuller’s Earth(Multani Mitti), 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of water. Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste before applying it evenly, avoiding the delicate skin around your eyes. Let it sit until it dries completely and then remove, the mask off with cool water, followed by a non-greasy moisturizer.


Try This Clever Oats and Yoghurt Cleanser

hair, human hair color, face, black hair, eyebrow, For this you will need 1 teaspoon of finely ground oats and 2 teaspoons of yoghurt or curd. Mix the above ingredients thoroughly for a fine paste and apply, leaving it on for 5 minutes. Remove the paste by gently rubbing for a minute with a slightly damp flannel and cold water.

Do you suffer with blackheads? What tips can you share for living with them?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

@helen - chemical exfoliating helps. Try a moisturizer with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in it. Only put it on the areas that have blackheads as it can be very drying. Sunblock. Everyday. Even if you are getting 5 minutes of cloudy sun. Sun damage makes blackheads harder to remove. Avoid pore strips more than once a month. If you do it every once and a while it's fine, but overuse can cause the pores to be stretched making new blackheads bigger. If they are really bad, go get a facial. It's not that expensive if you go once. Like 60$ depending on the spa. But they will be able to extract them, properly, and give advice catering to your skin personally. Also, a good skin care routine is super important. If your skin can tolerate it, an oil cleansing routine (some do it daily, but even a weekly or biweekly thing would help loosen them) but really key to have the chemical exfoliating products. I personally like the clean and clear line with the grey/clear bottles with purple on it. They have a moisturizer I use on my nose and a good spot treatment that I use if they get really bad. Just remember to spot test on your inner arm and be careful with chemical exfoliating. Store bought will never be higher than 3% so there's no worry of burns, but a lot of people react to either one, normally one works and the other does nothing or causes acne. Seeing a dermatologist can easily help too

Very helpful, thanks

Thanks :)

Thanks Alyx. Eye-opening stuff. I was ready to try all of these but very hesitant now. Do u happen to know what does help with blackheads though? Thanks

Rhiannon - I hate it. It's like nobody on here cares to do research. I've commented on over a dozen articles about diy skincare, and only ONE replied, and she was rude and told me "tons of people have been doing it for years so it's safe" which was super unprofessional and very ignorant. People have also smoked for years and used to use meth and cocaine to ease common ailments. So yknow. Let's all do that too lol.

Yes, the baking soda totally works! But you must use it every other week or once a month. Reason for this is because you can strip the PH levels from your face skin and you do not want to do that because it will cause major bacterial skin issues.

What's the best natural clay mask?

As Alyx has already said, these DIYs are moronic. It's like when Michelle Phan tells you to use a toothbrush to scrub your face.

Thank you Alyx, it's so nice to see someone who does their research. I don't know when they'll stop telling people to use these things that harm their skin.

thank you. im going to try all

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