Game Changing Skincare Tips You're Going to Want to Know ...


Game Changing Skincare Tips You're Going to Want to Know ...
Game Changing Skincare Tips You're Going to Want to Know ...

When it comes to health and beauty, skincare is something that takes up a lot of aisles in the pharmacy. Only a lucky few of us are blessed with naturally perfect skin, and if you are anything like me, you are willing to take any advice going! Thankfully, there are experts and gurus who know a lot more than I do, so allow me to pass on some of this wisdom! Here are some potentially game-changing skincare tips to use in your routine!

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Three Ingredients

Don’t get swept away with all of the fancy names of things that you have never heard of before. When it comes down to it, there are only three ingredients that really matter in skincare. When choosing your products, the things you need to be looking out for are antioxidants, vitamin A and some sort of SPF. This is the magic trio for keeping your skin healthy and glowing.


Spot Popping

I would recommended never popping a spot and just waiting for it to go away on its own, but if you really have to, then always wait for a whitehead to appear, and wrap a tissue around your fingers to avoid any bacteria transfer. When it has been squeezed, put something like Savlon or another antibacterial substance on it to prevent infection.


Face Masks Aren’t the Answer

Face masks can be a fun thing to do with your friend on a girl’s night in, but they aren’t always the answer to getting the healthiest skin possible. You could describe them as the salt and pepper of the skincare field, because they aren’t the base of what your routine should be, but they can definitely add some flavour!


Ignore Trends

When you see a new skincare trend come along, before you dive right in, try to figure out where the trend has originated from. Sometimes, online influencers are paid a lot of money to push products and tools that aren’t necessarily the best or most helpful on the market


Hyaluronic Acid

There is definitely a right way and wrong way to use hyaluronic acid. This is an acid that draws moisture from the air to help your skin, but on places like an airplane, this isn’t ideal because your skin in its natural state is probably even MORE moist than the stale air around you!

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Expensive Doesn’t Equal Good

Be careful of falling into the expensive product equals good product trap, because that really isn’t the case. There are plenty of things that go into the pricing of a product, from packaging to celebrity names and endorsements, so remember about all the other factors that could be determining the cost other than the quality.


Avoid Fragrance

Scented products might make you feel good when applying them, but they aren’t the best idea for skincare. The essential oils that are used to create the fragrances can sometimes be irritating for the skin, so you are essentially trading healthy skin for a momentary nice smell.

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