The Ultimate List of Tricks for Getting Rid of a Hidden Pimple ...

Eliza Dec 16, 2019

The Ultimate List of Tricks for Getting Rid of a Hidden Pimple ...
The Ultimate List of Tricks for Getting Rid of a Hidden Pimple ...

A hidden pimple, also called a blind pimple, is one that is deep in your skin and it hurts far worse than a regular zit. That's because it's pressed up against your nerves. A hidden pimple can be hard to treat, but there are some things you can do to ease the discomfort and get rid of the problem. The tips here are ideal for getting rid of a hidden pimple, but if you continue to experience problems, see your dermatologist for more aggressive treatment. Thanks goes to for sharing these easy DIY remedies with us.

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1. Warm Compress

hair, human hair color, color, face, purple, A warm compress promotes blood circulation, which will speed up the healing process by bringing on the pimple’s head. When the head of a blind pimple opens, the infectious fluid accumulated within it will come out and the healing will begin.

Soak a cloth in hot water and hold it on the blind pimple for a few minutes. Repeat the process three or four times a day until the pimple forms a head. Alternatively, you can use a warm black tea bag as a compress. The tannins present in black tea will also help reduce inflammation.

2. Tea Tree Oil

hair, clothing, hairstyle, afro, head, The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil will help kill bacteria that cause pimples and prevent further outbreaks. It will also soothe the skin and quicken the healing process. Tea tree oil works like a cleanser, penetrating deep in the skin and opening clogged pores. It’s important to always dilute tea tree oil before applying it on your skin. Mix one part tea tree oil with nine parts water. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture, and apply it on the blind pimple. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash the skin with lukewarm water. Apply a light moisturizer. Repeat this process three times a day. Note: If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the tea tree oil with aloe vera gel instead of water.

3. Toothpaste

eyebrow, face, hair, black hair, nose, Some people find it very useful to apply toothpaste on blind pimples. However, if you have sensitive skin you need to be careful as toothpastes contain chemical substances that can irritate your skin. For treating a blind pimple, always use white toothpaste. White toothpaste usually contains mint or clove oil that help reduce the size of pimples and also alleviate soreness and redness. Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on the blind pimple before going to bed. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this daily until the blind pimple vanishes. Note: This remedy can be done during the day also. The toothpaste must remain on the pimple for at least one to two hours.

4. Honey

eyebrow, face, hair, nose, black hair, Honey has antiseptic as well as antimicrobial properties that work together to fight bacteria responsible for blind pimples and other types of pimples. Further, honey works as a gentle yet deep cleanser so scarring will not occur on pimple-prone skin types. Dip a cotton ball in pure honey and apply it generously on the affected skin area. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process three times a day for effective results. Blend an apple into pulp. Mix one tablespoon of the mashed apple with one tablespoon of honey to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then wash your skin well with lukewarm water. Do this once daily to help heal a blind pimple effectively.

5. Milk

hair, black hair, clothing, person, woman, Milk contains alpha hydroxy acids, also known as AHA, that can help unclog pores by removing the outer layer of dead skin and the accumulated oil and dirt. Also, AHA will make your skin smooth. Apply milk to the blind pimple using a cotton ball and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then wash the area with lukewarm water. Do this three times a day until the head of the pimple comes out. Alternatively, put a slice of bread in warm milk, and put the soaked bread on a cloth to make a poultice. Apply the poultice to the blind pimple for a few minutes. Repeat the process twice daily until you notice improvement.

6. Lemon Juice

hair, face, black hair, nose, clothing, You can also treat blind pimples with lemon juice. The citric acid present in lemon juice works as an astringent to dry out the pimple. It also works as a cleanser to help remove bacteria and dirt and speed up the healing process. Extract the juice from one or two lemons. Dip a gauze pad in the juice and apply it to the inflamed area. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off. Do this two or three times a day for three to four days to see visible results. Alternatively, combine one tablespoon each of lemon juice and rose water. Apply it on the pimple using a cotton ball. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily for a few days.

7. Aloe Vera

hair, human hair color, blond, face, hairstyle, Aloe vera has antibacterial properties and can prevent redness, swelling and inflammation of the affected skin area. Also, its healing properties will help the body rebuild damaged tissue. Cut open a leaf from an aloe vera plant. Extract the gel-like substance and apply it to the inflamed area. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing your skin with lukewar water. Repeat this remedy twice daily for several days until you get positive results. Note: If you do not have an aloe vera plant at home, you can use the gels readily available in the market.

8. Epsom Salt

face, hair, facial expression, lip, eyebrow, Another effective natural remedy to get rid of a blind pimple is Epsom salt. Epsom salt is known to relieve inflammation and pain associated with blind pimples. Mix one teaspoon of Epsom salt in one-half cup of hot water until the salt dissolves completely. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Using a cotton ball, apply the lukewarm mixture on the blind pimple. Allow it to dry on its own. After it is dry, wash it off with water. Repeat this two or three times a day for a few days until the head of the pimple pops out naturally.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

hair, eyebrow, face, nose, blond, Apple cider vinegar has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation and also has antiseptic properties that prevent bacterial growth that can trigger an outbreak and skin infections. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the blind pimple, leaving it on for a few minutes. Don’t hold it there for too long as the acidic property of apple cider vinegar can burn your skin. Do this a few times a day so that the head of the pimple comes out quite quickly. Alternatively, you can add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it before each meal. This will help improve your body’s blood circulation, which in turn prevents blind pimples from forming.

10. Rubbing Alcohol

hair, black hair, face, eyebrow, clothing, Rubbing alcohol has disinfectant, soothing and cooling properties. It will help remove dirt from the skin and unclog blocked pores. As a result, the blind pimple will reduce in size and redness. Soak a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and dab it on the blind pimple gently. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash the affected area with lukewarm water. Do this several times a day until the head of the pimple appears on the skin’s surface. Note: Instead of rubbing alcohol, you can also use alcohol-based cologne.

If after trying these remedies you do not get any relief, then you can try one of the over-the-counter creams and cleansers that are available for treating pimples. You can also see your doctor or dermatologist for some advice.

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