Does Spotless Facial Skin Represent a Healthy Individual?


Does Spotless Facial Skin Represent a Healthy Individual?
Does Spotless Facial Skin Represent a Healthy Individual?

It is the general consensus among dermatologists and health experts that the clearer and healthier an individual’s skin is, the more likely it is that they are in possession of greater overall body health as well.

It would be fair to say that the majority of people suffer from some variety of skin complaint during their lifetime, and these incidents, on the whole, are more inclined to occur during one’s pubescent years. This article aims to display and explain some of the main causes of bad facial skin, and then seek to explain exactly what can be done to achieve a better level of skin upkeep to increase overall body health and well being.

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Acne is a skin condition that is formed when the small holes in the skin known as hair follicles became filled and blocked. These blocked follicles can become filled with pus and in extreme cases cause nodules and cysts on the skin. Though the pus created from acne is harmless to humans, the condition usually takes hold in an individual’s teenage years. As a result, it can not only cause long-lasting scarring but also damage the self-confidence and mental well being of the person going through such a delicate stage of their growth.

Various factors can give rise to acne – learn more about the causes of acne here.

Acne treatments range from topical medications and drugs to dietary changes and herbal remedies. The treatment varies depending on the severity of each case, but the general rules for clearing the condition in the best way possible involve not over washing the affected areas to avoid unnecessary irritation, avoiding wearing makeup and cosmetics over the area, using fragrance free, water-based solutions on the face and also not attempting to pop the spots as this will lead to permanent scarring. In some severe cases, patients will be prescribed steroids to aid the healing process.


Poor Diet

Your skin is a living organ that needs appropriate hydration and nourishment; it is therefore not surprising to discover that it looks at its best when it is feeling its best. If your skin is dry, discolored, has many blemishes, wrinkles, or seems to be aging prematurely, then it may be worth examining your daily diet to see if you are doing enough maintain healthy skin. For example, somebody whose diet involves eating a lot of junk foods that are high in sugar, additives and saturated fat will be much more likely to have trouble with their skin compared to somebody with a healthy balanced diet.

Bad facial skin through a poor diet can be avoided by changing your daily dietary habits. A person should be consuming sufficient levels of the right vitamins for healthy skin. One is vitamin A, which can be found in orange vegetables like carrots and citrus fruits like lemons. Vitamin A helps to combat dryness and blemishes. Ingesting foods rich in vitamin B such as yeasts and bread will help to rid skin of any discoloration and dermatitis, and eating wholesome foods like eggs, milk, chicken, and fish can help to fight premature aging. Vitamin E is also needed and is a popular ingredient in skin creams and can be found in almonds, leafy green vegetables, and seeds.



There are various risks of sunburn. Having sunburn is a key sign that you have mishandled and mistreated your skin in hot summer conditions. Unfortunately, some people are still under the illusion that to achieve a deep brown tan, your skin must go red and burn first. This is simply not the case. If your face becomes red and sore after a day out in the sun it is an indicator that the skin has been irreversibly damaged by the sun’s UV rays.

Though it may seem like your health has returned to normal once the redness has eventually disappeared and some peeling of the upper layers of the face has potentially occurred, what cannot be seen with the naked eye is that your face has been permanently damaged by the burning.

The way to avoid sunburn and permanent damage to the facial skin is perhaps the easiest of all, involving mostly common sense and a few readily available products. Invest in a couple of bottles of high factor sun protection cream and always liberally apply the product for whenever you go out in the sun. Reapply regularly if you are exposed in the sun for any extended period of time. Always wear a facial moisturiser that contains SPF. An even cheaper alternative would be to try to stay in the shade as much as possible. This way you will still feel the benefit of the sun’s warmth without putting your skin at risk.

One thing to always remember when it comes to sunburn is do not be fooled by the presence of light clouds in the sky. Though the sun may not be beating heavily on your body, the UV rays have no trouble at all getting through the clouds and penetrating your skin. Always apply sunscreen no matter how hidden the sun may seem.


Good facial skin can definitely act as an indicator of good health but some skin conditions (like acne) do not necessarily imply poor health. Having good facial skin should be a goal included in living a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

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