7 Contagious Skincare Conditions That Need Treatment ASAP ...

Eliza May 17, 2014

There are plenty of contagious skincare conditions and treating them can make you infinitely more comfortable and can cut down on the ick factor at the same time. If you come down with one of these contagious skincare conditions, it’s also important to have them checked out by a doctor so you don’t spread them to other people. Your skin is never something you should leave untreated – no matter what condition you have, talk to your dermatologist ASAP.

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1. Impetigo

I picked up this nastiest of the contagious skincare conditions when I was a kid, from a cat scratch. Impetigo is characterized by itchy red sores that eventually scab over. It’s more common in kids, but if you have children with the condition, you may wind up with it too, unless you take proper measures to keep it from spreading. The condition can also spread among body parts. Keep it covered and take any prescribed medications to get rid of it.


MRSA is a relatively new condition that experts blame on our propensity to load up on antibiotics. No matter the cause, this is a pretty scary, and rather contagious, skin condition. It’s spread from skin to skin contact so you’d have to touch someone with it to come down with it yourself. The problem is that many people don’t recognize it in its early stages. MRSA can lead to all sorts of problems, including death, so I highly recommend getting any strange boil or other skin issue checked out immediately.

3. Scabies

Scabies is caused by a burrowing mite that cause itchy bumps where the burrows are. Gross, right? I remember utter disgust when my oldest son was in preschool and there was an outbreak in his classroom. Luckily, he never got it. Scabies requires medications to kill the mites, but many experts recommend that you treat the entire family since they can easily move from person to person.

4. Ringworm

True to its name, ringworm causes a rash that looks like rings on your skin. The condition is super contagious and can pass through skin-to-skin contact, from animals or from contact with the contagion on objects, such as sheets or towels. Ringworm isn’t as scary as some other skincare conditions, but it is unsightly and uncomfortable so you’ll want to have it treated.

5. Athlete’s Foot

If you ever walk around barefoot at the gym or pool, you are at risk of athlete’s foot. This condition causes itching, burning and stinging on your feet and between your toes and can also lead to cracked and peeling skin on your heels and soles. It can be hard to treat, so see your doctor right away.

6. Fifth Disease

True, fifth disease is more common in kids, but it pays to be able to recognize it. It’s actually contagious before you know it’s the problem. By the time the associated rash shows up, it’s not contagious anymore. Someone with fifth disease will have red cheeks as though they’ve been slapped and may have a red, bumpy rash on their arms and trunk.

7. Molluscum Contagiosum

I’d never heard of this one either. It’s highly contagious, but the good news is that it won’t cause major problems other than the way it looks. The condition causes pink, white or skin-colored bumps on your skin that look like warts. The problem is more common among athletes and people with weakened immune systems, but it’s spread through skin to skin contact as well as by touching things infected with the virus, so it pays to be careful.

Have you ever had one of these conditions? How did you treat it?

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I got molluscum I contracted it from the community toilets in my dorm...gross to think of what you can catch from toilets. it does to hurt at all, except one got a bacterial infection on top of the virus so that hurt. there's really no treatment, I was told just to use rubber gloves & pop them so they eventually fade away. it was more so embarrassing than anything. I felt dirty like if done something to catch it.

My son had Fifth's Disease (so called for being the 5th of the "so called" common childhood diseases - Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chicken Pox and Fifth's. What a way to spend New Years Eve! I thought he was having an allergic reaction!

I had molluscum when I was younger and had to put cream on them everyday, they went away eventually but not after several months

I've had molluscum before, I recieved it through my ex-boyfriend, people in the 20s-30s can receive this through sex I got bumps near my vagina. Since he carried it, but it never affected him. I had to use a cream as well as my dermatologist had to liquid nitrogen the big ones off. it hurt so badly. this lasted 4-6 weeks. it's through skin to skin contact. Thankfully I've never had an outbreak of this again.

i had molluscums and they were super uncomfortable and mostly embarrassing. i got them from my younger brother just by a slight touch. they eventually go away on their own, but it may take up to a year or so. otherwise you can burn or freeze them off.

I got ringworm. never knew about or knew I had it (it was in the back of my neck, and others noticed). turned out to be a fungus that I most likely contracted on the dance floor, while I was stretching. cured it with athletes foot antibiotics and it went away.

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