7 Ways to Prevent Wrinkles That Work ...


I think that most women would love to know some sure ways to prevent wrinkles. Wrinkles are not something that we are anxious to get friendly with, are they? I know that I want to do whatever I can to keep them at bay. These are ways to prevent wrinkles that you can use in your life to do just that.

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1. Avoid Unhealthy Tanning

Tanning is not healthy. Yes, a glow is pretty but is it worth the long term risks of wrinkles and possibly even skin cancer? I think not. One of the best ways to prevent wrinkles is to give up the dream of a bronze tan. Some methods of tanning such as self-tanner and spray tanning are acceptable but tanning in true sunlight or tanning beds is in no way safe or good for you if preventing wrinkles is a goal.

2. Sunscreen

If you do not want to tango with wrinkles, become friends with sunscreen. Sunscreen will help you to prevent wrinkles because it prevents the sun from penetrating your skin, at least to an extent. Most of us know to wear sunscreen when we go to the beach or are out in the sun for an extended amount of time. But the truth is that you need to wear sunscreen on a daily basis, even if the only exposure you will be getting is your walk to the car in the mornings and evenings. Be especially vigilant to use sunscreen on highly exposed areas such as your face and hands.

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3. Sleep on a Satin Pillowcase

Does this sound silly to you? It did to me at first. However, research shows that this helps. Sleeping on a satin pillowcase prevents your face from having sleep induced crinkles in it and will help to prevent wrinkles long term as well. It also helps to prevent hair breakage.

4. Use a Moisturizer

If you do not want to have wrinkles, then you have to moisturize. This goes for you as well, my twenty-something friends. In fact, the earlier you start using moisturizer, the better. That means that you will have less wrinkles when you age. Dry skin plays a large part in acquiring wrinkles, which is why using a moisturizer helps to prevent them.

5. Avoid Sugar

This one is a hard one to abide by, ladies. I know because I enjoy a chocolate treat as much as the next girl. But the sad truth is that sugar has been proven to age you. You don’t have to give up sugar completely, although it would be wonderful if you could. But do try to watch how often you indulge and try to follow the everything in moderation theory.

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6. Drink Enough Water

Water is so important to our bodies in so many ways. Our body needs it and it makes up our body, in part. Drinking enough water helps to keep your body well hydrated. It is also healthy, and eating and drinking healthy always shows in our body and our skin. Make it a goal to get your daily eight, at least.

7. Enjoy Life

Enjoying life is something that can help to prevent wrinkles that is actually fun to do. The fact is that stress ages you. The lifestyle you live and the stress you endure will show in your skin as well as everywhere else in your body. While you can’t live a completely stress free life, you can try to have a more relaxed attitude and try not to let the little things get you down. On top of helping prevent wrinkles, it will help you to just be a happier person.

These are 7 things that will help you to prevent wrinkles tremendously. However, there are more things that prevent them. What are your best wrinkle prevention tips?

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