In case you’re wondering, there are many ways to enhance your skin’s natural color. That’s great because it leaves you looking young, radiant and glowing no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going. The good news – these techniques are pretty simple to carry out so you can look great without all that much effort. Of course, these are just some of the ways to enhance your skin’s natural color so don’t be afraid to add any that I’ve missed.
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1. Drink Lots of Water
When you’re dehydrated, it can affect your skin tone. Therefore, chugging throughout the day is one of the best ways to enhance your skin’s natural color. Water isn’t a magical cure for pigmentation issues or for getting rid of a sunburn, but if you make sure to drink plenty of it during the day, you can keep your skin looking like it should. Flavor your water with lemons, limes, berries or mint if you don’t like drinking it plain.
2. Subtle Make-up
Obviously, globbing on loads of bronzer if you have very fair skin is going to make you look unnatural. On the other hand, using a subtle color that blends with your skin tone can bring out your appearance and make you look wonderful. I’m not one to judge anyone’s make-up choices. I’m all for picking what you love best. But, if you are trying to enhance your natural color, choose foundation, blush and bronzer that’s pretty close so you can bring out what you have easily and beautifully.
3. Limit Sun Exposure
You’ve heard all about how too much time in the sun without protection can leave you more susceptible to skin cancer. However, sun can also cause age spots or make your skin red, so too much of it can interfere with your natural color. Anytime you’re outdoors, wear sunscreen so you can preserve the lovely color of your skin and stay safe at the same time.
4. Try Lemons
Lemons have natural bleaching properties, so they’re a great way to even out your complexion and restore your natural color. If you have sensitive skin, I’d recommend conferring with your dermatologist before trying this treatment. Basically, all you have to do is cut a lemon in half and apply it directly to your skin. With a couple of treatments, you can fade dark spots and enhance the natural color of your skin.
5. Exfoliate
You didn’t really expect to read an article on skin tone without hearing about the wonders of exfoliation, did you? I know you’ve heard it a million times, but your skin can really benefit from regular exfoliation. It works to slough off dead skin cells, leaving new, beautiful ones shining through. You don’t want to exfoliate too often though or you risk damaging your skin. Instead, try for once or twice a week for the most benefit.
6. Have a Chemical Peel
A chemical peel is sort of like exfoliation on steroids. It’s a similar treatment, but removes more layers of skin and is often done in a spa by a professional aesthetician. After having a chemical peel, it’s important to stay out of the sun to prevent damaging your new skin. I wouldn’t recommend giving yourself a chemical peel – it’s best to have it done by a professional.
7. Eat Lots of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are available in lots of foods, including fruits, vegetables, coffee, chocolate and tea. They work by counteracting free radical damage. Free radicals are nasty little things that come from environmental toxins and can alter your cellular structure, leaving you susceptible to health problems that range from heart disease to cancer. So eat lots of healthy foods to boost your antioxidant intake and keep your skin looking beautiful and naturally colored.
How do you enhance your skin color? Do you think you’ll try any of these ideas? Please feel free to share your own!
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