7 Remedies for Scaly Skin That Work ...


Now that the winter is upon us, it’s only natural that I’ve discovered some of the 7 remedies for scaly skin that work. Say goodbye to snake like (or even crocodile-like) skin and hello to that gorgeous after-vacation glow. These remedies for scaly skin are the perfect addition to any skincare routine.

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Hydration Station

I’m sure you’ve heard this time and time again, but hydrating is one of the best remedies for scaly skin. Hydrating with water is key to moisturizing, and it helps for the inside out. Aim to drink about 64 ounces of water each day.


Air Dry

Another one of the best remedies for scaly skin is air-drying. The first time I heard this, I thought it was ridiculous. The reason air-drying is better is because it doesn’t clog the pores. Say hello to happy and healthy pores.


Butter up Buttercup

Now that you’ve air-dried, amongst the remedies for scaly skin is proper moisturizing. As much as I enjoy a light and sweet smelling lotion, they aren’t the best during the winter. In the winter, you’re better off purchasing and moisturizing your skin with a butter of some type. I recommend a butter that contains cocoa or even shea, or both! And don't forget a lip balm, too...


Balanced Diet

One of the most forgotten remedies for scaly skin has to be diet. I know I told you to drink more water, but there’s more to defeating scaly skin than that. Eating things that are high in oils and low in fat helps to balance out the skin and cause it to glow. Taking a fish oil pill or even cooking with extra virgin olive oil helps this process as well.


Festive Delicacy

Using delicate soaps is another one of my simple remedies for scaly skin. When using soap, try to buy and use the moisturizing kind. As much as everyone praises antibacterial soap, it truly harms the skin. There’s an ingredient in many antibacterial soaps that’s called Triclosan. Triclosan is very harsh on skin and kills healthy skin cells.

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Fluffy Fabrics

Soft fabrics are another one of my favorite remedies for scaly skin. Fabrics like cotton, cashmere, and silk are amongst the best to wear. If you insist on wearing wool, try to find a product that’s made of boiled wool. Boiled wool gives the illusion and feel of cotton, but it has the warmth of wool minus the itch! A simple change in fabrics is a definite must to prevent scaly skin.


Loads of Layers

The last but certainly not least amongst remedies for scaly skin is layering. I know when the temperatures are in the single digits we as women still have the urge to look super cute. There is nothing wrong with that, however you can still be cute and protect your skin. Instead of just wearing a pair of leggings try buying some with fleece on the inside or even doubling up on the layers. It may not seem cool, but trust me no one will notice.

Remedies for scaly skin are extremely simple and I’m sure you probably do many of these already. If you have some tips of your own please share, I’m eager to try some new ideas! What tips and tricks can you tell me about?

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Those aren't remedies. You guys use that word too loosely! Lol say preventative measures or how to avoid but don't tease me with synonyms of the cure.

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