9 Helpful Skincare Tips for Oily Skin ...


9 Helpful Skincare Tips for Oily Skin ...
9 Helpful Skincare Tips for Oily Skin ...

Having oily skin is an absolutely drag and finding skincare tips for oily skin isn't all that easy! I have oily skin right in my T-Zone area and I've got to say, I've found all sorts of skincare tips for oily skin that have helped me kick the oil out and keep my pores clear! So ladies, you ready to explore my top skincare tips for oily skin so you can keep your skin beautiful? Take a look below!

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1. Egg & Sugar Face Mask

Have you ever put a face mask on your face to kick the oil outta your skin? An egg and sugar face mask is a great skincare tip for oily skin that will really get the oil out of your skin and unclog your pores! Just a little bit of eggs, a little bit of sugar and scrub away and you'll see quite a huge difference in how oily your skin is!

2. Dryer Sheets

Did you know that dryer sheets can actually help fight the oily skin? This skincare tip for oily skin is unique and different but it so works! After you get out of the shower and dry your face off, just run a quick dryer sheet over your face to combat that oil before you moisturize!

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3. Tinted Light Moisturizer

Speaking of moisturizing, you want to make sure that it's light and if you really want to beat out the oil, invest in some tinted moisturizers. That way, you won't have to add on another layer of foundation, instead you can just go out with a little bit of oil absorbing powder on!

4. Oil Absorbing Sheets

Another staple in my purse to fight oil is oil absorbing sheets. These sheets won't disrupt your makeup, but they will suck all of the oil out! This skincare tip for oily skin is absolutely one of my favorites because it doesn't mess up my makeup!

5. Orange & Egg Yolk Mask

Did you know that a few squeezes of an orange and some egg yolks in a mask can actually combat all of the oil in your face? Just put this mask on once a week and you'll see how bright and not-oily your face becomes! It's a beauty secret of mine.

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6. Water-Based Moisturizer

The moisturizer that you pick when you have oily skin is very, very important. Water-based moisturizers are lightweight and not oily at all, so you never have to worry about your clogs being blocked up by your moisturizer! This skincare tip for oily skin is definitely one I use all of the time.

7. Exfoliate Once a Week

Exfoliating your skin is one skincare tip for oily skin that a lot of women overlook. Exfoliate just once a week (I use St. Ives Apricot Scrub!) will get all of the dead skin cells off of your face and will leave it glowing and beautiful!

8. Powder It up

Oil absorbing powder is another staple in my purse and absolutely one of my favorite makeup powders! Neutrogena is a brand that has some of the best oil absorbing powders – try this brand ladies!

9. Avoid Alcohol Based Cleansers

Finally, the last skincare tip for oily skin that we're going to explore is to avoid any alcohol based cleansers. These can actually completely dry your skin up and make it so it feels tight, instead of moisturizers. Instead, us something lighter and something less harsh.

There you have it ladies, my top skincare tips for oily skin that will help you look beautiful all the time! So girls, what skincare tips for oily skin do you use?

Top Image Source: tumblr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

for the egg and sugar face mask, does it matter what type of sugar you use?

this was so helpful! thank you ♥

I have oily skin and oil blotters are a must! But they are so expensive. I found a cheaper way to make them myself and all you need is white tissue paper!! Saves a ton of money!

I have very oily skin and I started using the new 24hr revlon whipped cream foundation. I love it! No powder necessary throughout the day!

I've heard coconut oil or olive oil were good to moisturize your face with but I break out so easily I'm afraid to try.....anyone have positive results ?

I always thought I had really oily skin, it was so terribly oily. Nothing I did would help. Then I just started using the oil cleansing method and moisturizing with coconut oil (something I was always told to avoid, more oil). But, problem solved, my skin has never been better. I wish I had discovered this sooner.

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