8 Facts You Should Know about Dry Skin ...

Lisa Sep 26, 2012

8 Facts You Should Know about Dry Skin ...
8 Facts You Should Know about Dry Skin ...

You may or may not be used to living with dry skin, but there are actually some special considerations and facts about dry skin to keep in mind when caring for your specific skin type. We want to make sure we’re caring for our skin properly and giving it the attention it needs in order for us to look our very best. So, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or unsure about your exact skin type, make sure you give this a read for some vital info on dry skin!

1. Facts of Life

Before getting into dry skin facts, let’s make sure you actually have dry skin. Sometimes there are other factors that affect our skin and would lead us to believe that we have super dry skin when it could be something like allergies or changes in the season. The severity of dry skin varies and symptoms are typically temporary. According to the Mayo Clinic, classic symptoms include tight skin, itchiness, fine lines or cracks, dry or dehydrated appearance, and redness.

2. Hostile Environment

This next fact about dry skin might come as a surprise, but did you ever think that the cause of your dry skin could be from your work or home environment? Sitting in an office with the AC blasting takes all the moisture out of the air as does cold weather and indoor heating. It kind of seems like we can’t get a break no matter what season it is, but easy ways to combat dryness is to put moisture back in the air by using a humidifier at home, keeping ourselves hydrated and using hand and body cream often!

3. Looking Parched

One of the little known facts about dry skin is that age is factor in how your skin looks. As we get older, our skin sheds dead cells at a slower rate, which can sometimes make our skin look dehydrated and dull. This phenomenon isn’t strictly a characteristic of dry skin either, all skin types experience this and we end up with more dead skin cells on the surface. To combat this, dermatologist Dr. Francesca Fusco recommends using OTC retinoids and exfoliating to encourage cell turnover.

4. Water is Useless

This fact about dry skin probably comes as a shock since we’re always being told to guzzle the stuff to keep hydrated and flush out toxins. Don’t get me wrong, water is pretty darn awesome! You should drink it often, but it doesn’t do much to hydrate dry skin if you’re lacking in essential fatty acids that hold in water. Make sure your diet includes lots of foods that contain Omega-3 and Omega- 6 fatty acids like kidney beans, spinach, grains and poultry for soft skin!

5. The Perfect Cleanser

This dry skin tip suggests that those with dry skin look for creamy cleansers that are alcohol-free. All skin types should avoid cleansers with soap in them because they’re way too harsh and drying for our faces. For dry and sensitive skin, use cleansers that don’t contain fragrances or chemicals but do contain added moisturizers. Always avoid scrubbing when washing your face and gently massage your face instead. Lastly, be mindful of the amount of cleanser you’re using. A quarter-sized dollop should be sufficient because more doesn’t necessarily mean better when it comes to dry skin.

6. Slave to Fashion

Our clothes play a role in the well-being of our skin and this fact about dry skin states that synthetic and wool materials can cause irritation by rubbing and scratching your skin. Stick with cotton and natural fibers when you can so your skin can breathe and to prevent friction between your sensitive skin and the fabric. I know wool boucle jackets can look so chic in the fall, but just be sure it’s not directly worn on top of your bare skin!

7. 3-Minute Rule

The 3-minute rule isn’t anything like the 5-second rule where any food you drop on the floor is fair game; it’s actually one of the rules and facts about dry skin to remember! According to WebMD, ladies with dry skin should always utilize the 3-minute rule: apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of washing your face both in the AM and PM. Contrary to popular belief, moisturizers don’t actually add moisture to your skin, it traps in existing moisture to prevent it from evaporating, so be sure you time if right for best results!

8. Cause and Effect

Just so we have all of our bases covered on the topic of facts about dry skin, if you have chronic, severe dry skin make sure you see your doctor to ensure your skin isn’t trying to tell you there’s something more serious going on. There are some medical conditions like dermatitis or thyroid disorders that will lead to dry skin and should be treated by a medical professional. Don't ignore the signs!

These dry skin facts might not be brand spanking new, but it’s important to refresh our memory on how to care for dry skin. Remember not to ignore cracked, bleeding or chronically itchy dry skin because it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Be sure you take the time to correctly cleanse and moisturize as well as adjust your environment to suit your skin. How do you cope with having dry skin?

Top Image Source: tcmag.com

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