You might not put much thought into caring for your scalp, but one of the most important functions of the often-neglected area is to grow healthy hair. Also, some women may experience itchy or dry scalp on occasion, which can definitely affect our well-being. With that said, I’ve got 8 useful tips on caring for your scalp that’ll help you keep your scalp healthy and happy and grow shiny, strong hair!
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1. Handle with Care
When it comes to caring for your scalp, you want to treat it like any other type of skin on your body — with lots of care! That means avoiding using hot water to wash your hair, rinsing away all traces of shampoo and conditioner and washing it often enough to avoid build-up of products on your scalp. Getting in the habit of doing these three things will help keep your scalp clean and soothed.
2. Protect from the Elements
We all like to spend time outdoors throughout the year but subjecting your scalp and hair to too much wind or sun can be harmful. Protect your scalp and strands by wearing a cute hat or scarf and a mist that contains sunscreen. There are some great hair products out there that will condition your hair while it protects your scalp from the sun, such as Quintessence Q-Sunshade or Herbal Glo Leave-in Conditioner
3. Feed Your Body
Caring for your scalp and hair also means properly caring for your body. When you consume healthy foods and provide your body with the proper nutrition, you’re not only doing your interior a favor, but your good habits will show in your exterior! Two big no no’s are crash dieting and smoking as they will deplete your body of nutrition and the effects will start to show.
4. Halt the Heat
The next scalp care tip might be hard to follow, but it’s worth it for the health of your hair and scalp. Try to avoid using too many hot styling tools to prevent hair damage and burning the scalp. Blow dryers are notorious for diminishing the scalp of much needed moisture so be sure you always use low heat and aim the dryer down at your tresses and not at your scalp!
5. Be Kneady
If you’ve never had the pleasure of massaging your scalp, you don’t know what you’re missing out on! Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to a fancy spa to reap the benefits, you can easily give yourself a quick rub at home while shampooing your hair, or any time of the day without any product. Another quick way to stimulate your scalp is to use a scalp massage brush. Massage not only feels great but it also increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage!
6. Take It Easy
There are tons of hair care products out there but for the sake of saving our hair and scalp, always go for the gentle ones. Using hair care products that contain harsh ingredients or chemicals will strip your hair and scalp of moisture and can cause dry, tight or itchy scalp. Read labels and look for all-natural hair care products to keep your hair and scalp healthy and balanced.
7. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
We’re all probably privy to this next scalp care tip but I still think it’s worth mentioning. If you experience an itchy scalp, you might need to replenish the moisture in the area. Hydrating shampoos and conditioners can be of some help, but the majority of it gets washed out. Try using natural oils like olive or coconut too add moisture back. If you’re concerned with your hair getting greasy, Discover Health recommends dabbing the oil on with a cotton ball and apply it while your hair is wet so your hair is less likely to soak up the oil, then wash your hair.
8. Don’t Scratch the Surface
If you’re dealing with a dry or oily and itchy scalp, you’re probably inclined to scratch, but it can actually exacerbate the problem. You see, scratching your scalp might feel good for the moment, but it can aggravate and inflame your scalp even more to the point it might bleed. Even when you wash your hair, use the pads of your fingers to gently rub your scalp and always refrain from scratching! Try to get your mind off of the itch by doing something else!
Caring for your scalp is just like caring for other parts of your skin! Make sure you treat it well by washing and conditioning it regularly and giving it some extra TLC once in a while. Try out some of these easy scalp care tips and I’m confident that you’ll see some healthy changes! Do you do any special treatments for your scalp?