We focus a lot on skin care for our faces and bodies but what about how to care for your décolletage? If you’re unfamiliar with the term, décolletage actually means a low-cut neckline but it’s often used to refer to the neck, shoulders and upper chest area. Not only is our décolletage a very beautiful and visible part of our bodies, it’s also the first area to show the signs of aging due to thinner skin, sun exposure and lack of décolletage care on our part! Since we want to enjoy youthful and beautiful skin all over, let’s take a look at some ways to care for your décolletage!
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1. Cleanse
The first step in how to care for your décolletage starts by cleansing and using very gentle care. The skin on the décolletage area lacks the elasticity and resilience that the rest of the skin on your body and face has, so it needs to be treated as such. Use a gentle facial cleanser to wash the area and pat dry.
2. Moisturize
The next important tip in caring for your décolletage is to keep it moisturized! The décolletage is not only thinner than other areas but it also has less sebaceous glands. That makes it prone to dryness so we have to keep the area well moisturized and happy! You don’t have to buy a cream that’s specially made for the area unless you want to, you can get great results with a high-quality moisturizer as well.
3. Protect
When we’re talking about skin care and especially caring for your décolletage, we have to talk sunscreen. The delicate skin on our décolletage is often overlooked when we apply sunscreen and it really needs the extra protection! Always remember to slather on sunblock all over the upper body area, especially if you’re wearing a lower neckline during the day!
4. Sleep
While we’re learning how to care for your décolletage, we have to remember that skin care doesn’t stop at night. To keep our décolletage area looking supple and smooth, get plenty of sleep and avoid sleeping on your stomach to prevent chest wrinkles. WebMD reports that sleeping on our backs prevents sleep lines from being impressed onto our skin and it also helps reduce the formation of wrinkles on our faces!
5. Exercise
Exercise is key when it comes to décolletage care and overall skin health! The increase in blood flow from exercise can help nourish skin cells and keep them healthy. For the décolletage area, work your chest and back areas to keep your skin firm and toned. Another good tip is to watch your posture. Having good alignment not only helps you feel more confident but also lifts the breasts, which is the easiest way to make your décolletage look even better!
6. Support
While we’re on the topic of caring for your décolletage and supporting the girls, make sure you’re wearing the right bra. Wearing an ill-fitting bra can create bad posture, discomfort and can even cause the skin to sag, which can result in unsightly marks from stretching and sagging. If you want to check your measurements at home to see if you’re wearing the right bra size, check out this page for a quick how-to: goodhousekeeping.com
7. Treat
Another step in how to care for your décolletage is to treat it with a mask! Masks are always fun to make and use so take a short break to pamper yourself with this easy décolletage recipe! Mix 1 tbsp. of green tea (smashed) and 2 tbsp. of yogurt together, apply it to your décolletage area and relax! Rinse off with warm water after 10 minutes and follow up with moisturizer!
8. Exfoliate
Décolletage care involves treating it with a mask but we also need to exfoliate. Look for gentle, natural exfoliators like papaya, pineapple or pumpkin enzymes. Traditional exfoliators that contain abrasive ingredients like nuts can damage our skin but enzyme exfoliators can gently break down dead skin cells and strengthen skin with all the vitamins they contain!
9. Prevent
The last tip on caring for your décolletage is for those who want to prevent or treat chest acne. Chest acne affects an estimated 54% of adults so we're not alone! It can prevent us from wearing certain tops as well as make us feel awkward, so it’s gotta go! Get in the habit of wearing breathable tops like cotton, cleansing the area and spot treating any blemishes. You can also either apply a mask or exfoliate a little more often to unclog pores and get rid of dead skin!
Keep up on these tips on how to care for your décolletage to help keep this area looking youthful and smooth for years! Even if you’ve neglected this area in the past, it’s never too late to start properly caring for it and prevent future signs of aging! Do you have any skin care tips to care for your décolletage?
Top Image Source: styleite.com