Most of us shave, wax, tweeze or laser away hair like it’s no thing, but there are actually hair removal dos and don'ts to follow! As you know, hair removal is a wonderful thing but it can also cause a lot of pain and unwanted side effects, like nicks from shaving or burns from hot wax. If you’re looking for some helpful hair removal dos and don’ts to help make your life easier, keep reading below!
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1. Do Consider Blade Count
If you shave and find your skin frequently feeling irritated or dry afterward, it might be because of the blade. While it makes sense to pick a razor with a high blade count, it actually might be the reason why your skin isn’t feeling so hot! So the first of the hair removal dos an don'ts is from NYC barber Bret Reichley. He recommends three-bladed razors, as new razors with five blades can actually shave beneath the skin. This can cause ingrown hair or razor burn in ladies with sensitive skin.
2. Don’t Mix Formulas
The next hair removal tip is for those who prefer to wax. Did you know that there are specific types of wax that should be used for certain hair removal jobs? According to, you want to avoid using one wax for all your hair removal needs and instead match the wax to the job. They go on to say that waxes are made according to type of hair and where you’ll be waxing, so you want to ensure you’re using the right wax to avoid unnecessary tweezing!
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3. Do Exfoliate Skin
One of the top concerns of hair removal is getting bumps on our skin from shaving or waxing. But preventing bumps is much easier than we might think! Exfoliating our skin the night before or using a jute or sisal fiber dry skin brush to lightly brush our skin are really helpful in preventing ingrown hairs and bumps. The next time you’re planning on doing some hair removal, bust out the dry brush or give your body a good scrub!
4. Do Use Tools
If you’re new to using wax for hair removal, Veet's esthetician Anna Stankiewicz has a couple of tips to help you out! She recommends applying a tooth numbing cream to the area you plan to wax about a half hour before waxing to help numb the area. She also suggests using baby powder to soak up moisture on your skin and to help the wax stick better to your skin!
5. Don’t over Wax
Another important waxing and hair removal tip by Stankiewicz is to avoid going over the same area over and over again with wax. If you wax an area and there are still some hairs leftover, don’t go over it more than three times. Doing so will only irritate your skin and increase the chances of getting ingrown hairs. You can always tweeze the surviving hairs for a clean finish!
6. Do Go against the Grain
Using an epilator is another quick and easy hair removal method and it’s basically like using electrical tweezers. Epilators pull multiple hairs at once so it’s very quick but can be a little painful until you get used to it. A couple of tips for using an epilator is to always exfoliate your skin the night before you epilate and always epilate the opposite direction of the hair growth. Exfoliating and epilating opposite the hair growth are key to reducing ingrown hairs and keeping skin smooth!
7. Don’t Forget to Shave
If you’re new to using an epilator, another really important pointer to keep in mind is to not use the epilator on fully grown hair. Make things easy on yourself and shave the area where you want to remove hair first, then go back over it with an epilator later. Epilating long hair can be painful and more difficult than doing it on shorter hair, so feel free to shave first.
8. Do Follow Directions
If you’re the type of girl who prefers hair removal creams, I’ve got some tips for you, too! Creams are great because they’re easy to use and usually less painful than tweezing or waxing, but they can irritate skin. To get the best results, always follow the maker’s directions carefully. Leaving it on longer won’t work any better and there are formulas made for specific areas so it’s not a good idea to get creative with depilatory creams!
9. Do Rub the Right Way
Once you’ve found a good depilatory cream that you want to use, always remove the cream with a warm wash cloth. I know it’s tempting to just rinse it off in the shower, but gently wiping with warm water will help keep the pores open and remove longer hair much more easily than rinsing and rubbing it off. In the case that your skin gets irritated afterward, try applying aloe vera gel or breaking open a vitamin E gel capsule and applying it to skin.
Hair removal is a necessary evil in our lives but luckily we have lots of options! Whether you pluck, shave, wax, epilate or dissolve hair away with a cream, there are lots of ways we can make the process go much smoother! Do you have any hair removal tips?
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