Essential Nutrients for Girls Who Want Gorgeous Glowing Skin ...

By Eliza

Essential Nutrients for Girls Who Want Gorgeous Glowing Skin ...

When you don't take 🎬 care of your skin by eating the right 👉 foods, you could end up 🆙 with acne, dryness or other issues you'd probably rather not deal with. Since your face 🗿 is what you show to the world, it makes total sense to fill your body with vitamins and minerals that keep your skin glowing, smooth and blemish-free. Here's what you need to add ➕ to your grocery list this week.

1 Vitamin 💊 C

clothing, person, hair, blond, model,Vitamin 💊 C ©️ is considered an antioxidant, which means it helps fight 👊 free 🆓 radical damage, helping keep your skin looking youthful and protecting you from the dangers of skin cancer. Vitamin 💊 C ©️ also boosts collagen and elastic production so you don't want to find yourself with deficient levels. Toss some kiwis, strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, bell 🔕 peppers and Brussels sprouts into your grocery cart to up 🆙 your intake.

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2 Vitamin 💊 a

Speaking 💬 of antioxidants, vitamin 💊 A is also one 1️⃣ that plays a role in skin health. It's responsible for healthy 🍒 skin cell turnover and helps prevent dry, flaky skin. Great 👍 sources of vitamin 💊 A include sweet 🍬 potatoes, spinach, apricots, carrots and mangoes.

3 Lycopene

Lycopene is yet another antioxidant that helps block UV rays from your skin. This helps protect you from the sun's harmful rays, which cuts the risk of skin cancer ♋ and the signs of aging. You can find lycopene in watermelon, tomatoes and grapefruit.

4 Omega-3 Fatty Acids

When you hear 🔉 people 🚸 talking 💬 about healthy 🍐 fats, this is one 1️⃣ of them. It plays a variety of roles in your body, including boosting heart 💜 and brain health. They are also important for soft, supple skin. They hydrate the skin and fight 👊 redness so that you have a glowing ⭐ complexion all day, every day. You can get your daily 📅 dose of omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed, salmon and walnuts.

5 Vitamin 💊 E

You'll see vitamin 💊 E in a huge variety of skincare products so you know it's important for good 👍 skin health. Eating foods that also contain the vitamin 💊 are a good 👍 way to increase your intake as well. In addition ➕ to boosting sun 🔅 protection, vitamin 💊 E also smooths your skin and helps get rid of wrinkles. The best sources of vitamin 💊 E are sunflower 🌻 seeds, almonds, peanut butter and spinach.

6 Vitamin 💊 K

You don't hear 👂 much about vitamin 💊 K, but it does have an important role in your skin's health. When applied topically, vitamin 💊 K can help reduce the appearance of under eye circles. It can't hurt 😣 to also get some from your diet. Vitamin 💊 K is found in collard greens, spinach, kale, pumpkin 🎃 and okra.

7 Biotin

Biotin is one 1️⃣ of the B vitamins and keeps your skin radiant and healthy 🍈 looking. Many people 👥 are deficient in the nutrient without even realizing it. You can have your doctor 😷 test your levels, but you can probably get plenty of biotin by adding a multivitamin to your daily 📅 routine. Biotin is also found in foods that include swiss chard, peanuts and tuna.

Do you eat any of the foods on 🔛 this list? Which ones are going 🆙 to add ➕ to your diet for better skin today? If you still have problems, it might be a good 👍 idea 💡 to make an appointment with your dermatologist to rule 👑 out any problems.

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