Celebrity skincare tips are everywhere, which is great for us common folk because we can steal their techniques for skin as flawless and glowing as theirs - or as close as possible without an airbrush artist to make us look perfect. Celebrities obviously have a lot more money at their disposal, but many of them hark back to their moderate income years and swear by skincare tricks that are both affordable and doable. Steal these celebrity skincare tips and you might just be mistaken for your favorite red carpet actress.
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1. Toothpaste for Zits
No one likes a breakout, so celebrity skincare tips that get rid of them fast and cheaply are a handy tool for any girl’s arsenal. Fergie, of the Black Eyed Peas, uses toothpaste to get rid of her zits. Talk about easy and cheap! She says that she just dots a small dab of toothpaste on her pimples and it helps them dry up and go away. I can’t vouch for its effectiveness, but it can’t hurt to try this simple step next time you have a breakout.
2. Get a Tan
But not from the sun or a tanning bed. Many make-up artists to the stars and numerous celebrities swear by a bit of color on their skin. It gives you a healthy glow and can hide imperfections but the real thing raises the risk of skin cancer and can really age your skin. Instead, try a spray tan or a lotion that has tanner in it. That way you can get the glow you crave without the dangers of tanning.
3. Resveratrol
This is the magic ingredient found in wine that gives you a mega antioxidant boost. Layering it on your skin can really enhance the benefits. Antioxidants fight free radical damage that can lead to aging and less than youthful looking skin. Emily Blunt uses a serum that loads the skin with resveratrol. Go ahead and try it for yourself and see why her skin always looks so wonderful.
4. Wash Your Make-up Tools
After a while, make-up tools get bogged down with your products, but they also pick up dead skin cells and germs. That’s a recipe for disaster. All that can cause breakouts and even skin infections that are less than attractive. The big name make-up artists recommend cleaning your make-up brushes and applicators regularly with warm water and soap to get rid of all that nasty stuff so your beautiful skin can shine through.
5. Wear Sunscreen
Make like Hilary Swank and be sure to slather sunscreen on your skin anytime it’s going to see the sunlight. Applying SPF to your face is especially important as the signs of skin damage are more noticeable there, but since skin cancer can crop up anywhere on your body, it’s also a good idea to cover other exposed skin anytime you plan to be outdoors for more than a couple of minutes. Many facial moisturizers contain sunscreen, which eliminates a step.
6. Use a Weekly Mask
A weekly mask is that little something extra that can calm and soothe while also loading it with ingredients that promote and enhance healthy, radiant and beautiful skin. Most celebrities indulge in pricey spa versions, but don’t let that deter you. Many drugstores and make-up counters sell great facemasks that work just as well. Talk to your dermatologist about a mask that’s appropriate for your specific skin type.
7. Moisturizer
More important than how much you spend on your lotion is that you remember to apply it a couple of times per day. Minka Kelly looks great and claims to slather her entire body with lotion after a shower. Turns out that’s the best time to do it because when your skin is still damp it absorbs the lotion more effectively, helping hydrate your entire body. Grab a lotion you can afford and you’ll be less likely to be stingy with it.
Which celebrity’s skin do you covet? What’s your best skincare tip?
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