7 Yummy Things You Can Use to Exfoliate Your Lips ...


There are lots of things you can use to exfoliate your lips, but some are way better than others. I’m talking about tasty things that you won’t mind if they get in your mouth while they are doing their job. Your lips are composed of skin, but they often get overlooked when you exfoliate your body. Not anymore! Once you read through these things you can use to exfoliate your lips, you’ll be running to the kitchen! And your lips will be soft, young and fresh. What more could a girl ask for?

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1. Sugar

Sugar Straight white sugar is one of the best things you can use to exfoliate your lips. And it tastes pretty good too! On top of the yummy taste, it’s super easy and fast too! Simply mix a dab of sugar with a drop or two of olive oil. Slather it on your lips and gently rub it back and forth. Rinse and you’re done!

2. Strawberries

Strawberries There’s just something about a fresh, juicy strawberry, isn’t there? Well, it turns out that in addition to tasting so sweet and delicious, they make a great exfoliator. Grab a strawberry, mash it up and rub it on your lips. The bonus is that the berry leaves behind a great natural red color that keeps you from having to apply lipstick! And if you get some in your mouth – all the better, right?

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3. Yogurt

Yogurt You might wonder how something so smooth could possibly exfoliate your lips. However, many skincare experts recommend using yogurt on your skin for just that benefit. If it works, who needs to know why, right? All you have to do is spread some plain yogurt on your lips and rub them together a few times. Yum!

4. Almonds

Almonds This one takes just a bit of work, but you’ll be glad you put in the effort. I love almonds so it’s great that I can use them to exfoliate my lips while I’m eating them. Pop a couple in your mouth for a treat, then grind up a couple more. Then rub the powder over your lips. You’ll be surprised at just how soft and fresh your lips look after a treatment like this one!

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits Not only are citrus fruits great for lightening dark spots on your skin, but they are also perfect lip exfoliators. If you don’t like sour, go for an orange or a tangerine. But whatever citrus fruit you choose, the technique is the same. Cut the fruit in half and gently rub the flesh over your lips. Easy, right?

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6. Milk

Milk According to skincare experts, milk contains vitamins that remove dead skin cells, making it a great exfoliator. Obviously, it’s going to be hard to exfoliate your lips with plain milk, so mix it with a bit of honey so it sticks. Bonus – honey is good for your skin too!

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal You’ve probably heard of putting oatmeal on your skin, but you can also use it on your lips. Grind up some plain oats and mix them with a bit of honey so they taste good and so they’re easier to spread. Then gently rub them over your lips for several seconds before rinsing.

Did you realize that you should be exfoliating your lips? If not, you aren’t alone. But I bet you want to give it a try right now! Which food will you use?

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Really helpful ;-);-);-)

Real good😄😄😄

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