Ways to Get Dewy Skin Kissed by Spring ...

By Neecey

Ways to Get Dewy Skin Kissed by Spring ...

The warmth of the sun is just starting to penetrate those dull layers battered by winter elements but your skin isn’t yet as glowing and youthful as you want it to be. Springtime skin looks dewy fresh, almost like “I just stepped out the shower”. It’s time to take steps to make it so.

1 Gentle Exfoliation

Gentle ExfoliationOne of the best ways to get dewy skin is to embark on a process of gentle exfoliation. The perfect concoction for something like this is a coffee facial exfoliator, which involves mixing a quarter cup of coconut oil with two teaspoons of ground coffee. The caffeine will quite literally ‘wake up’ your facial skin and make it glow, while the texture of the ground beans will provide the dead skin removal and exfoliation that you need to get a dewy fresh glow.

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2 Hydration Oil

It’s imperative that you keep your face well hydrated if you want to maintain a dewy look. Dryness is one of the face’s worst enemies, so it really pays off to save up a little cash and go for a high quality facial oil that is rich in Vitamin E. Applying a thin layer of oil to sleep in overnight is a great way of ensuring that your face will be nicely hydrated in the morning.

3 Aloe Vera

Aloe vera seems to be the answer to all problems these days, and achieving a dewy look is no exception! For an easy way to add some dewiness to your face, take a pinch of aloe vera gel and use it as a brow gel by swiping across your eyebrows, it gives you instant definition and glow.

4 Mineral Water Spritz

This is probably the fastest way to achieve an instant dewy look. Spritzing your face with a specifically designed mineral water spray helps to not only hydrate you but also leave you with a lasting dewy look, and the very best quality sprays are also makeup resistant which means that you won’t have any unfortunate running situations when you are out and about!

5 Green Tea Bags

We all know that green tea is good for detoxing when you ingest it, but did you know that the bags can also be used as a fantastic makeshift facial accessory? To get the sleep out of your eyes after waking up in the morning, place one heated then cooled green tea bag on each eye and you will really feel the benefits. It gives some much-needed hydration and an energy boost.

6 Sunscreen

The benefits of sunscreen should never be underestimated. You don’t just need to apply some in the height of summer. If you are going to be outdoors for any length of time at any time of the year, then it doesn’t hurt to apply a thin layer of something coconut oil or shea butter based. Not only will you be protected from immediate skin damage, but the sunscreen will definitely provide that dewy glow you are after.

7 Natural Cream Blush

Natural blush is a truly brilliant product that works just as well as some of the commercially manufactured blushes, and it has the benefit of being made from 100% natural ingredients. Swirling a little of the product on to your cheeks will serve two purposes: one to give you that added bit of color that you want, and two to provide some added hydration for your face.

Remember that besides all these ways to get that dewy glow, your skin reflects what you put into your body so make sure you’re staying hydrated and are eating a healthy diet full of nutritious veggies and fruit.

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