7 Tips for Taking Care of Your Cuticles ...

Lyndsie Feb 12, 2012

7 Tips for Taking Care of Your Cuticles ...
7 Tips for Taking Care of Your Cuticles ...

How to Care for Cuticles properly, without having to go get a manicure, is something about which I've always been curious. I do a number on my cuticles just by virtue of doing the dishes and things like that, so I don't have the time (or the inclination, honestly) to go get a manicure every week, or even every other week. I bet a lot of you feel the same way. So you too may be wondering how to care for cuticles on your own. There are actually lots of things you can do yourself, right at home, so keep reading for some awesome tips on how to care for cuticles like a pro!

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1. Major Moisturizer

The first step in learning how to care for cuticles is to moisturize – a lot. You need to keep your cuticles hydrated at all times. You need to massage moisturizer into your cuticles every single day. Do it at least once, but it also helps to do it after washing your hands, at least some of the time.

2. Handle Dry Cuticles with Care

You've probably been told over and over again that you need to push back your cuticles and keep them that way. That's true … most of the time. However, when your cuticles are dry, you should never push them back. Wait until after you've moisturized, or just soak them before doing so. Otherwise, they're far more likely to be damaged by painful tears.

3. The Proper Push Back

That being said, one of the most important tips about how to care for cuticles involves how to push them back properly. You need to first use a cuticle remover, rather than a simple cuticle cream or oil. Then, using the proper tool (preferably an orangewood stick), you have to push them back very gently. Lastly, get rid of dead or excess skin with your cuticle tool, by moving it in small circles.

4. Cut out the Cutting

Cutting your cuticles should be a big no-no. You need them; they have an important job to serve. They're protecting your nails, especially the roots, and keeping them safe from bacteria. Cutting them means your nails have no protection. It's better to simply push them back using the aforementioned technique.

5. Steer Clear of Metal

It's better if you keep metal away from your cuticles. Now, yes, sometimes you will have to use a cuticle trimmer, generally just to get rid of a ragged edge or a hangnail. However, avoid metal cuticle tools to push them back. Wood is better, but plastic or rubber is okay too.

6. Beware of Hangnails

As mentioned, getting rid of hangnails is an essential part of learning how to care for cuticles the right away. However, you have to be incredibly careful. If you cut too deeply, you can hurt yourself and invite an infection. Make sure your cuticle trimmer is sharp, but that's all the more reason to be careful. If you make a slip, be sure to apply antibacterial ointment right away.

7. Smart Nail Care

When you're buying nail care products, you have to choose wisely. Make sure that any cuticle oils are more natural, without chemicals to dry out your skin. Choose soaps high in moisturizer, but make sure any lotions or creams you use don't have a lot of oil.

Learning how to care for cuticles is incredibly easy, but you definitely have to be careful. It takes a steady hand, because you don't want to hurt yourself. When you're learning how to care for cuticles yourself, just remember to take your time, to prep your nails and cuticles first, and not to overdo it. Proper care requires patience, but it's definitely worth it. Do you have any other tips on how to care for cuticles?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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