7 Symptoms of Psoriasis to Get Checked out ...


Whether you know they are symptoms of psoriasis or not, it pays to get any strange skin issue checked out by a dermatologist. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes excess skin cells to build up on your skin. Symptoms of psoriasis can come and go and may not appear until you are in your teens or beyond. If you notice any of the following symptoms, as described by the Mayo Clinic, make an appointment to see your skin doctor as soon as possible. There are ways to treat the problem so you can manage a life with it.

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1. Red Patches

One of the most common symptoms of psoriasis are red patches on your skin. They can appear in just a few places or turn into huge spots that cover large areas of your body. Psoriasis may show up on your scalp, your torso, neck, arms, legs or really, anywhere you have skin. Red patches don’t always indicate psoriasis, but should be checked out anyway.

2. Scaly Spots

Scaly skin can occur for a number of reasons and psoriasis is one of them. Though this symptom is more common in children, it doesn’t mean that adults won’t get it too. Often, those red patches mentioned above will become covered in silvery colored scales. They will flare and die down in cycles, but you can treat them.

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3. Cracked Skin

Psoriasis can often cause your skin to become very dry, which may result in cracking. This can be painful and is a dangerous symptom because germs and bacteria can get into the cracks, leaving you at risk of an infection. If your psoriasis causes cracked skin, be sure to keep it covered and clean.

4. Itching and Burning

As with many other skin conditions, psoriasis can cause itching and burning at the site of the breakouts. Not only is this very uncomfortable, but scratching that itch can break open your skin. Being continually uncomfortable can alter your quality of life so don’t just try to live with it.

5. Soreness

No one wants to go through each day feeling sore. That’s no fun at all. But that’s something that many people with psoriasis deal with on a daily basis. That extra skin build up can alter the way your skin feels so if you are sore, talk to your dermatologist about ways to find relief.

6. Changes to Your Nails

Your finger and toenails are made up of essentially the same thing as your skin, which means they are susceptible to psoriasis too. When your nails are affected, the condition can leave them thickened, ridged or pitted. Properly treating psoriasis can help keep this issue at bay.

7. Swollen Joints

As if the skin part wasn’t bad enough, right? Again, many health conditions can cause stiff joints, but if they are accompanied by other symptoms on this list, you should be checked out by a skin doctor. Often, psoriasis causes stiff joints as well. Not comfortable, to say the least!

Do you have psoriasis? When were you diagnosed? There are several types of psoriasis, including plaque, nail and scalp. Getting a diagnosis from your doctor is the best way to ensure that you are getting treatment that’s appropriate for your specific case of psoriasis. Do you have any other symptoms to share?

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Hi, even I have it too on my right leg , I ws diagnosed with it when I was 12,I didn't take continuos treatment so it kept coming on n off, now I am 22,I can't wear nice footwear anymore because of d redness

You should also mention that after a diagnosis of psoriasis it's not uncommon to years later end up with psoriatic arthritis. Not everyone with psoriasis will get it, but if you have the skin condition it's not out of the picture. Even 15yrs after diagnosis of the skin disorder.

I was 15 when diagnosed with the skin. It was minor. I had lower back pain since my early 20s. Told it was stress. Ended up in the hospital last summer and still took three doctors and 6 months to get the psoriatic arthritis diagnosis. I was on Humira for 24 weeks but just switched to Enbrel. I had a few weeks im between the two and lawdy it was awful. Skin condition came back. Swollen all over. I'm 33 now and dealing with disability and my job. Never fun when you are this young!! If I learned anything it is to stick to your gut feeling when it comes to doctors and don't stop until you feel you are finally being heard and treated right. Also, I learned how sucky it can be to have thus autoimmune (yes it's one of those!) disorder and still look "normal". It's hard for people to understand what I'm dealing with. If I didn't say it before, the overall fatigue is what's the worst for me. Takes me hours to get ready in the morning and stairs are a joke to me. One step at a time. Slowly. Girls listen to your body!

also it's worth mentioning (If it hasn't been said already) that most people get the arthritis first and this is in their middle aged years. Then the skin patches come. Some people get it younger like me, some don't. Just depends.

Agreeing with Barbie here. I'm 24. Got psoriasis when I was 12? 13? Something like that. Got the arthritis when I was around 18 or so, and i had to go on steroids for if at first. It was terrible..the pain, the weight gain.. I'm on Humira now and I've been on Enbrel. Humira helps my psoriasis clear up AND my arthritis. I still have sore joints but I don't scream in agony rolling over in bed anymore.

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