7 Skin Benefits of Doing Facial Exercises ...


7 Skin Benefits of Doing Facial Exercises ...
7 Skin Benefits of Doing Facial Exercises ...

If you’re looking for ways to improve your skin’s health, this post on the benefits of doing facial exercises is right up your alley! It might sound silly, but you can do your skin a lot of good simply by exercising your facial muscles! That’s right, by working out various muscles in your face (we have 44!), you can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel! So if you’re ready to refresh your face and smooth out wrinkles, keep reading below for the lowdown on beneficial facial exercises!

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Brighten up

One of the lesser known benefits of doing facial exercises is that it can brighten up your complexion! Facial muscles are the only muscles that are attached to our skin on one end as opposed to other muscles that are attached to only bones. Regularly exercising these important facial muscles will give your face nice glow and keep skin taut!


Relieve Tension

Another facial exercise benefit is that it can help relieve any tension in your face. Exercising facial muscles has been used to help decrease stress and relieve sinus pressure as it can reduce pressure or strain around the eyes and pressure points in our foreheads. Pressure and tension around these spot can cause headaches, so the increased circulation and blood flow in these areas can help you feel better!


Smooth out Wrinkles

We don’t want to forget the facial exercise benefit of smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles! It has been suggested that facial exercises can actually help stimulate collagen production and increase blood flow to our skin, which will soften the appearance of those darned lines! For an all-natural face lift, give facial exercises a try!


Protect Your Neck

The benefits of doing facial exercises (including our necks) aren’t limited to only improving our appearance, they can also help prevent stiff necks! You know how we literally spend the whole day sitting at a desk and staring at a computer monitor? Well, strengthening our necks can help relieve stiff necks and alleviate pain. Neck pain and stiffness can lead to back problems so let’s give our necks a break!


Get Lifted

Earlier we talked about the facial exercise benefit of a brighter complexion. In addition to a brighter face, facial exercises can also rejuvenate the elasticity in your skin and actually smooth our sunken or sagging areas on your face and neck. Facial exercise can help sagging cheeks, droopy eyelids, folds in your cheeks or sagging in the neck!



Benefits of doing facial exercises also involve detoxing your skin! When you do facial exercise and massage under the guidance of an esthetician, you can assist the movement of lymphatic fluids through our bloodstream which helps eliminate dirt and bacteria in our skin! A natural way to detox without juicing!


Relieve TMJ

If you have TMJ, a reason to do facial exercises is to help ease pain and relax the muscles in our faces that are associated with the joint disorder. We might think that exercising these muscles could exacerbate the condition but doctors actually encourage it to strengthen, stretch and relax those overworked joints and muscles!

The benefits of doing facial exercises are abundant. They can help improve our appearance as well as improve strength and promote relaxation in our faces and necks. If you’re curious about what types of facial exercises to do, check out YouTube for lots of information and directions! Do you think you’d ever try facial exercises?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love facial exercises, I found a great 1 hour video on youtube the other day (it's 3-4 young girls doing facial exercises with nice dynamic music in the background). Unfortunately, I was not able to do the exercises they show every day (1 hr is a real commitment), but I did notice a difference after the first time, my jaw line and neck line became more sculptured. So, I am very excited to incorporate them into my daily beauty routine.

can facial massage be done on acne pron skin?

Wow Olga, that's great news! I'm trying out different facial massage as well as exercises so I'm very happy to hear about your results! :D

Do facial exercises help your face become leaner n smaller??

I can't find the video :( can someone send me the URL or something? Please. It's hard to find a really effective vid of facial exercises.

You should make an article about different facial massages since I now know the benefits! :)

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