7 Radical Reasons to Start Using Toner ...

By Lisa

7 Radical Reasons to Start Using Toner ...

Are there really any good reasons to start using toner? I used to wonder the same thing myself. I used it in the past thinking I was doing something good for my skin, but I really didn’t know what. It turns out there are actually lots of good reasons to start using toner and continue to do so. Toner can do a lot for your skin and it only adds a few seconds to your existing skin care routine. If you’re still on the fence on whether you should try it or not, I think you’ll be surprised at some of the great things it can do!

1 Removes Traces of Makeup or Dirt

One of my main reasons to start using toner was to make sure that I got rid of any leftover makeup, oil or even traces of face wash. I always think I’m doing a good job cleansing, but sadly, it’s not always the case. Sometimes I miss certain spots or just need an extra good cleansing. Either way, a toner is a great way to ensure that you’re going to sleep with clean skin.

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2 Hydrate

Another fantastic but little known reason to use toner is to hydrate your skin. Many people, including myself, always thought that toners were like an astringent and soaked up oil. Little did I know that there are different toner formulas including types that cater to dry or sensitive skin that hydrate. Just make sure you read the label before you buy. Hydrating toners are typically water-based and alcohol-based formulas usually contain ingredients similar to astringents. Most skin care experts advise against using an alcohol-based toner anyway as they can be harsh and drying.

3 Restore Balance

Restoring your skin’s natural balance is an important part of skin care and you can do so with toner. According to NY dermatologist Dr. Hadley King, our facial skin is naturally acidic. After you wash your face with a cleanser, which is typically alkaline, it can disturb the pH balance of your skin which requires your skin to work harder to restore the balance whereas a toner can do it all for you!

4 Refresh Your Skin

Whether it’s a hot summer day or a chilly fall afternoon, toner is great to refresh and revive your skin. If your skin feels hot, sticky, dull or just not so clean, toner is a quick and easy way to energize and rejuvenate your facial skin.

5 Helps Skin Absorb Other Skin Care Products

Another reason to use toner is that it can help your skin better absorb other skin care products. According to skin care expert Renee Rouleau, toners often contain beneficial skin care ingredients and moisten the skin which can make other skin care products ten times more permeable than dry skin. Maximize the skin care benefits of your serum and moisturizer by applying it after you tone your skin.

6 Removes Chlorine and Minerals

Most tap water contains chlorine, minerals as well as other chemicals that can dehydrate your facial skin. Skin care expert Renee Rouleau says toner can get rid of the common ingredients in tap water so your skin stays hydrated and not coated in unnecessary chemicals that serve no purpose for your skin. Look what those chemicals do to your shower walls; don’t leave it on your skin!

7 Protects Skin

Last but not least, toners can support your skin’s protective barrier. Toners cleanse pores and tighten cell gaps after you wash your face which decreases the infiltration of contaminants and environmental impurities into the skin. Toners also provide your skin with hydration and nutrients so it’s more resilient against any environmental harm.

Toners remain one of the most debated skin care products on the market today. Many people have strong opinions about the validity of using toner while others feel that it’s an unnecessary step. If you find a good quality toner, it can make a big difference in your skin no matter what your skin type. Why not give toners a try and see how it works for you?

Sources: sheknows.com, ivillage.com, health.howstuffworks.com, huffingtonpost.com, self.com, 29secrets.com, blog.reneerouleau.com, overstock.com

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