9 Products to Help You Eliminate Adult Acne ...

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Having acne beyond adolescence is a tough burden to deal with, which is why it's essential to learn more about the best products to help you eliminate adult acne. I've had my fair share of problem skin as an adult; it always feels like a punishment for having clear skin as a teen. But you don't have to go through this alone. Let's learn about nine products to help you eliminate adult acne.

1 Noxzema Clean Blemish Control

Noxzema Clean Blemish ControlThe quest for finding ways to help you eliminate adult acne starts with an old standby. If you're like me and love the tingly feeling of Noxzema, you'll love their Clean Blemish Control. It offers the tingles and a gentle option to eliminate dead skin cells. As a product designed for adults, it provides moisture without leaving an oily residue. It's great for treating adult acne.

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2 St. Ives Apricot Scrub

Although it's not advertised as an adult acne remedy, St. Ives Apricot Scrub works great. I would recommend this product for these treatment purposes for most women and men; however, if you have really sensitive skin, it might not be the best for you. It's also a great option if you have issues with blackheads.

3 Clearasil Ultra Acne and Marks Lotion

This product contains salicylic acid, which is great for treating adult acne. The acid works quickly to eliminate pimples and blackheads. The only drawback of this product is that it does dry your skin significantly. It's best to use an oil controlling moisturizer after you use this product to prevent over-drying.

4 Proactiv

Proactiv is still among the top acne treatments, as it eliminates acne rapidly. It does require that you join a club and receive regular shipments of the treatment. If you don't want to join, you can cancel the membership and still benefit from the products.

5 Dr. Brandt Pores No More Vacuum Cleaner

Dr. Brandt Pores No More Vacuum Cleaner immediately absorbs oil and dirt like its name implies, like a vacuum. The end result is clearer and smoother skin. It doesn't contain any synthetic fragrances, dyes, or parabens. It's a great product for deep cleansing.

6 Murad Acne and Wrinkle Reducer

Murad Acne and Wrinkle Reducer completes two tasks. It works to remove adult acne and potential scarring. Then it smooths fine lines and wrinkles. The product also works to prevent further outbreaks of pimples and blackheads. It stimulates the production of collagen, which is beneficial to more youthful skin.

7 Clinique Acne Solutions Clear Skin System

This Clinique starter system offers you an alternative to products such as Proactiv. It includes a three-step process to fight acne and clean up your skin. The products smell wonderful and provide you with clear, fresh skin.

8 Bye Bye Blemish Drying Lotion

If you have a sudden breakout the day before an important event, you must get Bye Bye Blemish Drying Lotion. I know that when you take it out of its packaging, it may seem a little out there as it is oil based. However, if you don't make the same mistake that I did the first time I tried it, which was to stir it up, then you're good to go. You can apply a small dab of this product and the next morning, the blemishes are gone.

9 Burt's Bees Blemish Stick

If you need on the go blemish assistance, Burt's Bees is a great option. It's small and compact and works quickly. It contains juniper oils, which remove dirt and oil from your skin. It can also decongest your pores and leaves your skin fresh and clean in minutes.

Adult acne is not the bane of your existence, and there are remedies that work. The trick is to find the product that works best for you. What are some adult acne treatments that you have found effective?

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