Natural Ways to Reduce under-Eye Circles ...


Natural Ways to Reduce under-Eye Circles ...
Natural Ways to Reduce under-Eye Circles ...

Creams for under eye circles can be very expensive, but, fortunately, there are natural ways to reduce under-eye circles that cost far less than the expensive creams. Since everyone gets dark circles at one time or another, it is nice to know that there are effective and easy ways to reduce under eye circles. Those pesky circles are caused by a variety of factors, including stress and lack of sleep. It is not always easy to get eight hours of sleep, but it is one of the best ways to get rid of dark circles. If getting enough sleep is hard for you, you do not need to worry that you are stuck covering up your under eye circles with concealer. Adding specific foods into your diet and using some natural topical treatments will also reduce your circles. You may not feel quite as rested with these methods, but for the perpetually busy individual these methods can work wonders.

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Collard Greens

Collard Greens Adding collard greens to you diet is one of the ways to reduce under eye circles. They are huge leafy greens that can help decrease your dark circles when you add them to your diet. They contain chlorophyll and magnesium, which both work to decrease stress, a common cause of dark circles. Collard greens also contain the amazing antioxidant, lipoic acid. Lipoic acid regenerates vitamins C and E, which helps decrease under eye circles. In addition to lipoic acid, collard greens have a whopping amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important nutrient when you are trying to reduce under eye circles because it brightens the skin and reduces any darkness. If you want to add collard greens into your diet but are not sure what to do with them, try them in a green smoothie.



Bananas As you already know, too little sleep can result in dark circles. While you may not be getting enough sleep because you are too busy, it is possible that you are not getting enough sleep because you are tossing and turning. If the latter is the reason for your sleepless nights and dark circles, bananas could really help you. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium, which are nutrients that promote restful sleep. When you are able to sleep better, your dark circles will begin to lighten. Bananas can also help reduce your dark circles through the skin brightening vitamin C they contain. To really help diminish your dark circles, have a collard green and banana smoothie. If you do this every day for a few weeks, your eyes will look much more rested.



Celery Celery is another food that you can add to your diet to help get rid of the shadows under your eyes. Celery has balanced levels of sodium and potassium, which help decrease swelling. Reducing any puffiness in your eyes will help your dark circles look better because swelling only enhances the darkness. Celery has a chemical compound called pthalide. Pthalide decreases stress hormones and relaxes arteries, which allows blood to move without restriction. As a result, you are much less likely to have blood pooling around your eyes causing darkness.


Cucumber Slices

Cucumber Slices One of the best remedies for dark circles is also one of the most commonly used remedies. Laying cold cucumber slices on your eyes for 10 minutes will work wonders for dark circles. The coolness from the cucumbers soothes the skin, and the nutrients in the cucumber help reduce the circles. Specifically, cucumbers contain skin brightening vitamin C and caffeic acid. Caffeic acid is a phytochemical that has skin lightening effects, which is why cucumbers are so effective at decreasing darkness. In addition to laying cucumber slices on your eyes, you can also eat cucumbers for decreased circles. Although, resting with them on your eyes for 10 minutes will certainly give you more immediate results.


Raw Potato

Raw Potato They may not be as appealing as cucumber slices, but raw potato slices are also great for diminishing under eye darkness. Potatoes have a natural bleaching agent that lightens skin and works wonders for tired looking eyes. For the most benefit, you should grate cold potatoes and squeeze the juice out. Then, soak two cotton balls in the juice and cover your eyes with the wet cotton balls for 10 to 15 minutes. After you take the cotton balls off, you should notice a reduction in darkness.

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Apple Slices

Apple Slices If you prefer not to put raw potatoes on your eyes, perhaps you wouldn’t mind apple slices. Apples have tannic acid, which lightens your skin tone. They also have vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium. All of these nutrients nourish your skin and keep it looking healthy. To benefit from the tannic acid and nutrients in apples, place apple slices on your eyes for 30 minutes. This will allow the nutrients to soak into your skin, and you should start to see a benefit over time.


Almond Oil

Almond Oil One of the easiest ways to reduce under eye circles is to use almond oil as an eye cream every night. Almond oil has nutrients that will lighten the skin around your eyes. Vitamin E is one of the nutrients almond oil contains that makes it so effective. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that will eliminate dark patches over time. If you are consistent about using almond oil every night, you will start to see a difference.

Dark under eye circles can be very annoying. They act as a giant sign to the world that tells people you are tired. As someone who has had dark circles for many years, I can tell you that these treatments work, especially the dietary changes and cucumber slices. You just have to give it some time. I no longer have dark circles under my eyes. All that is left is the blue vein that is visible because I am so fair! What natural treatments have you tried to get rid of dark circles?

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& Spoon under your eyes


I have tried many ways buh these dark circles of mine never go .i hope these remedies give me positive results


Thankyou sooooo much!!!! It's great to know for sure that these things work :) I have very bad dark circles so hopefully it'll work for me!

Cucumbers helped for sure :)

Thanks I definitely try it

Thank you .. I'm will try some

Thank you

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