7 Must Know Facts about Warts ...

Eliza Sep 30, 2014

If you read my posts you know how much I advocate understanding your health issues, I'm here to share some facts about warts. If you get warts, it pays to know all about them so you can manage the condition and keep the symptoms under wraps. Warts are generally harmless, but they can be unsightly and uncomfortable so you probably don’t want to just ignore them. Of course, if you can’t get rid of them, talk to your dermatologist for more advice. In the meantime, read through these facts about warts and you’ll be well educated in no time.

1. They Are Common

According to Canadian health experts, a full 25 percent of the world’s population has a wart at any given time. While that’s one of the most comforting facts about warts, it also means that you must be careful not to pass them or get them from someone else. Luckily, you won’t have to worry if you do get a wart because they generally don’t cause any problems.

2. They Are Contagious

Because warts are so common, you know they are contagious. They are caused by a virus and are passed through touch, according to the Mayo Clinic. That means if you come into contact with a wart, you may wind up with one too. So if you know someone who has warts, be sure to avoid contact with the warts to protect yourself. Likewise, if you have a wart, be very careful that you don’t pass them on to other people.

3. Most Common on Your Hands

Most warts appear on the fingers or hands. Of course, that makes it very hard to keep the virus from passing from person to person. Warts also appear on the feet sometimes. However, genital warts aren’t the same and you can’t get them from the common warts on a person’s hands or feet.

4. Caused by the HPV Virus

You might think STD when you hear about HPV. I know because I was the same way until I started my research on warts. HPV is described by health experts as a virus that exists on the human skin. Young children and people with compromised immune systems are the most at risk of developing warts, but that doesn’t mean that the average adult will never get one.

5. Black Dots

Sometimes warts have tiny black dots in them. That is nothing to be worried about though. They are just blood vessels that have clotted on the surface of the wart or just under the top of them. Those will go away once the wart has vanished.

6. Usually Disappear

Most warts go away on their own, so you can likely just leave them alone. However, many people choose to treat them because they find the warts embarrassing or uncomfortable. There are many over the counter treatment options so talk to your doctor about which one is best for you.

7. You Can Prevent Them

The good news is that you can take active measures to prevent getting a wart. To start with, avoid walking around in public places without shoes on. Always wash your hands after touching a wart, whether it’s yours or someone else’s. Keep your grooming tools away from your warts so you don’t pass the virus around your skin. Don’t pick at the warts either. Easy enough, right?

Do you get warts? I am lucky enough to have avoided them thus far, but my kids get the occasional wart from walking around barefoot in the locker room at school. Gross, right? What’s the best way to treat warts?

Sources: mayoclinic.org and bodyandhealth.canada.com

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