How Girls with Dry Skin Can Get More Radiant Today ...

By Eliza

How Girls with Dry Skin Can Get More Radiant Today ...

There’s something about dry skin that is dull and unpleasant. Not only can dry skin really get in the way of the look you’re going for, but it can also be uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy things you can do to rehydrate your skin and look radiant every day from now on. Once you add one or all of these tips to your skincare routine, you’ll have the best skin in town. Hooray!

1 Start by Exfoliating Your Skin

Start by Exfoliating Your SkinExfoliating is a necessary skincare step that you should never skip. The treatment sloughs off dead skin cells and lets your radiant skin shine through. Ideally, you should exfoliate at least once a week, but be careful not to do too much or you could wind up making the problem worse. Once you add exfoliating to your routine, you’ll love the skin you’re in.

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2 Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

All that produce you see piled up at the supermarkets should be taking up a lot of the space in your grocery cart. Why? Because fruits and veggies are loaded with antioxidants, which your skin needs to fight free radical damage and stay looking radiant and hydrated. The brighter the color, the better the food, so go for kale, blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli.

3 Don’t Skip Your Workout

I know how tempting it can be to put on my sweats and watch television instead of going for a run or lifting some weights. However, skipping your exercise session too often is a real disservice to your skin. When you exercise, you boost circulation throughout your body, which translates into a healthier glow. Stick with it on a regular basis and you should be looking radiant again in no time.

4 Try Some Oils and Serums Today

The great thing about both oils and serums is that they infuse your skin with moisture, which will help combat the dryness issue. At the same time, they can help give you that natural dewy glow you crave so much. Talk to your dermatologist about the best choices for your skin type and add them to your routine every day.

5 Try Some Radiant Makeup in the Morning

While you’re waiting for your other steps to kick in and start working, you can mask dryness by using makeup that gives you a radiant glow. Try highlighter, bronzer and blush and sweep them across your cheekbones, the tops or your brows and along your jawline. You’ll look radiant in just a few minutes!

6 Have a Glass of Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

This is a normal part of my morning routine and I totally recommend it to anyone having skin issues. The vitamin C in the water is great for boosting skin health and preventing acne. The water itself boosts hydration, which fights dryness and enhances radiance. The water also helps me wake up when the alarm goes off. You just can’t go wrong.

7 Pop a Multivitamin Each and Every Day

A woman’s multivitamin is a great choice for any girl because it can help you fill gaps in your nutrition and ensure that you’re getting adequate amounts of the nutrients your skin needs to say radiant. Talk to your doctor before popping any kind of supplement, but once you get the OK, look for one that helps satisfy your daily intake recommendations for vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

Which of these tips are you planning to try first?

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