Help the Environment with These Natural Alternatives to Microbeads ...

By Carly

Help the Environment with These Natural Alternatives to Microbeads ...

Microbeads have been banned in personal care products in the USA and Europe but there are still old products left on shelves and in our own vanities/bathroom cabinets. If you don’t know what microbeads are by name, then you will know them by nature. They are the little ball type things that you can probably find in the majority of the bath and shower products that you own, the little balls that are intended to provide things like exfoliation and extra scrubbing sensations for your body. These feelings might be good at the moment, but the sad truth is that the plastic that microbeads are made from ends up going down your drain and adding to the insanely huge problem of plastic in the environment. They make their way to the ocean where they end up becoming “food” for the fishes and other marine creatures- not good! Here is how you can help the environment by stopping using your products that contain them. Here are some natural alternatives to microbeads.

1 Brown Sugar and Honey

One tablespoon of brown sugar with one tablespoon of honey combine together to create a great natural exfoliant. It gives a gentle but effective scrub with deep cleansing properties thanks to the honey and exfoliating properties thanks to the sugar. And no plastic pieces in sight!

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2 Oats

Porridge has never been so interesting! If you grind up some oatmeal with a pestle and mortar and mix it with a bit of water, you can give yourself a light and easy exfoliation that also helps to soothe the skin really well. It can even help with sunburn if you get caught out by those pesky UV rays.

3 Yoghurt

There is lots of lactic acid naturally found in yoghurt that is actually used in lots of commercial skin products. Go straight to the source and you can reduce acne breakouts and soften your skin. This one might not make a huge difference overnight, but extended use of yoghurt on your skin for a longer period will definitely start to produce a positive effect.

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