Magical Diy Oil for Stretch Marks ...

By Gulsum

Magical Diy Oil for Stretch Marks ...

I'm here to share with you a recipe for a DIY oil for stretch marks that you are going to love. The greatest thing that happens in a woman's life is becoming a mother. One side effect of pregnancy is stretch marks. There are plenty of cosmetic products and laser treatments for stretch marks, but after pregnancy, our skin gets sensitive and that's why I highly recommend trying homemade remedies. So, here are some ideas for a DIY oil for stretch marks that you can mix up right at home.

1 Olive Oil and Rose Petals

Olive oil
1/2 cup dried rose petals

To make this oil combine the olive oil and dried red rose petals in a steel pan. Use only steel pan. Heat for twenty minutes at a very low temperature. Wait until chilled and strain the oil. You can use it for one month.

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2 Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil

1/2 cup fresh aloe vera gel
1/2 cup coconut oil

Place the aloe vera gel in a pan. Add coconut oil. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes at a low temperature. It is ready when aloe vera gel is cooked and gets black. Then strain the mixture and transfer into a spray bottle. You can use this oil for 1-2 months. Apply it to your stretch marks and leave for 8 hours. Apply it overnight.

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