What are the best beauty oils? There is a lot of talk about body oils and if they are really good for the skin. Turns out they really are. Using an oil on your skin hydrates and restores it so it looks and feels as healthy as possible. With that in mind, here are the best beauty oils that you can use on either your body or your hair, or even BOTH!
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1. Coconut Oil
One of the best beauty oils is coconut oil. Coconut oil is good for sensitive skin, eczema and even dry hair. The fatty acids in coconut oil make it helpful for people with skin issues. The 12-carbon fatty acid structure in it allows it to penetrate your hair cuticles to help provide flexibility and strength. It is very important to not overdo it with the coconut oil or else it can get real messy real quick.
2. Jojoba Oil
Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) oil has a chemical structure that is similar to the natural oils our skin produces, so it is very easily absorbed. It contains minerals such as zinc and copper vitamin B and vitamin E, which also helps to strengthen your skin.
3. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is amazing for people with acne-prone or irritated skin. It helps to control sebum production, soothes irritation and is a natural antiseptic and disinfectant oil. Mixing lavender oil with other skin care products can help to boost the benefits.
4. Rose Hip Seed Oil
Rose hip seed oil is best for people with uneven pigment, scars, fine lines and acne prone skin. This oil is extracted from the seeds of a South American rosebush and is Mother Nature's natural Retin-A without the irritating side effects. The ingredients help to increase cell turnover.
5. Safflower Oil
Safflower oil is said to be the best oil to use on dry skin because it’s ingredients help the skin hold onto water and prevent dehydration. You can also consume this oil to prevent dry skin, especially if your diet is low in fat.