7 Amazingly Accurate Factors That Affect How Quickly You Age ...

Alicia Oct 3, 2017

All of us want to hang onto our youthful skin as long as we can. And while you can’t stop the hands of time, there are things you can do to slow them down. Knowing what factors influence how quickly you age is key to that.

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1. You Can’t Ignore the Influence of Heredity

This is a factor that you can’t influence or control. Your DNA plays a part in how quickly you age. If your family seems to age prematurely, then there’s a chance that’ll happen to you. But making smart, healthy choices in various areas of your life can help combat being predisposed to early aging. On the flip side, if your family tends to not show their years easily, then you’ve got that on your side.

2. Your Skin Type Plays a Role in Wrinkles

While your acne and oily skin are quite the pain now, there’ll come a day when you’re thankful for it. Oily skin tends to wrinkle much later in life than skin that’s inclined toward dryness. Oily skin has the benefit of staying moisturized naturally. If you’re a girl who battles dryness like I do, you can give yourself an edge up on aging by being faithful to your moisturizer. It’s not the same as your skin’s natural oil but it does help your skin stay soft and smooth.

3. Whether You’re a Smoker

Those cigs aren’t your friends! They may give you a hit of pleasure now but they’ll do nothing for you in the years to come. In addition to causing fine lines around your lips, you’ll age faster everywhere. Quitting now can prevent numerous wrinkles from forming. It can also add years to your life and give you lots more cash to enjoy.

4. Hard Living Shows in Your Face

Those nights of drinking and partying it up will eventually become your enemy. Hard living shows in your face. While you may look and feel badly the next morning, that’s nothing compared to what years of the party lifestyle can do. Make the healthy choice and treat your body right. If you do drink, do so in moderation.

5. Unprotected Sun Exposure

Is there a more glorious feeling than the sun warming your skin? It’s one of the simple pleasures of life. But it’s one that you need to enjoy responsibly. Go out and enjoy the surf and sand! But be sure to do so while wearing sunscreen.

6. Running on Too Little Sleep for Too Long

We all do this from time to time. Maybe it’s your finals week or you’ve got a newborn keeping you up all hours. Our bodies can usually deal with a short term sleep shortage, but when you’re losing sleep nightly on a long term basis, it’s going to start to show. Sleep is a necessity for us, not a luxury. I think we all tend to forget that at times.

7. A Diet Full of Junk Food

A diet full of junk food will not do a body good. In addition to making you feel draggy, your immune system will be lower and your skin will be dull and lack the gorgeous glow you so desperately want. It’s fine to enjoy treats from time to time but don’t let them completely take over your diet. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy. If you change your diet, your body will repay you by giving you beautiful skin now and for years to come.

These are 7 things that affect how you age. Which ones do you need to change? We can all make some improvements!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

I have super dry skin so.. Yah 😂

Being very thin makes your face wrinkle too as there is no surface fat under facial skin to plump it out

Stress ages you too

Well rounded article. Good advice covering many areas

I have oily skin my whole life but still 2 months before turning 40 wrinkles started and are getting bad fast. I have tried everything on the market, now considering Botox under my eyes.

Scary better watch from now on

Looks like I have luck on my side on this!

I'm super pale and I've always had dry skin and I live in an arid climate..luckily my mom has very nice skin for her age

Don't give too much weight to everything you read, it's advice. No offence to the author bcause this is a good article but you are not a Dr nor a specialist so with a grain of salt

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