8 Amazing Vegan Skin Care Brands to Consider ...


8 Amazing Vegan Skin Care Brands to Consider ...
8 Amazing Vegan Skin Care Brands to Consider ...

Have you ever thought about using some vegan skin care products? If so, I found 8 amazing products that are worth a try whether you’re vegan or not! It’s a very common misconception that vegan skin care products aren’t as effective as the mainstream products but it’s just not true! Vegan skin care products are very safe for sensitive skin, don’t contain toxic chemicals and actually nourish our skin! Read on for 8 of the greatest vegan skin care products around!

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1. Ecco Bella

Vegan skin care brand Ecco Bella has a large collection of organic and vegan makeup, skin care and hair care. The president of Ecco Bella states that the brand is not only fab for you and the environment but it can also help you save money since many of the products multi-task! Their website is literally a one-stop shop for all thing vegan!

2. DeVita

DeVita is one of those skin care brands that takes veganism very seriously! Their site even has a list of common animal-derived ingredients and their alternatives so that you can make the choice to avoid products with any type of animal ingredients. DeVita offers a full range of skin care and makeup and even their boxes and inserts are 100% recycled!

3. Tao

Vegan skin care that’s affordable is hard to find and while Tao skin care don’t offer drugstore prices, you can still find lots of products under $25! Choose from nourishing serums, masks and even massage butters. Tao’s labs are even a green energy-neutral facility that uses renewable energy like solar and wind power to create their line of vegan and non-toxic skin care!

4. SKIN All Natural

Top vegan skin care brands also include SKIN all natural. This vegan and 100% natural company uses full-spectrum bio-active botanical extracts and minerals in all of their products. SKIN all natural says that each and every single one of their ingredients benefits your skin so you’re not paying for any fillers when you buy their products!

5. Hylunia

This next vegan skin care brand offers some fantastic options for ladies with special skin care needs. Hyulina says their skin care products are safe for every skin type so if you have sun damage, combo skin, skin damage from chemotherapy and more, you can use their products with confidence! You can even take a peek at all their ingredients on their website so you know what you’re buying!

6. Aubrey Organics

Aubrey Organics is one of the most recognized vegan skin care brands out there. Though the brand isn’t 100% vegan, they do have some hair care products with animal products in them, they still carry tons of fab vegan skin care products! This brand was the first to list all of their ingredients and was the first to be certified as an organic processor!

7. Ceela Naturals

Ceela Naturals offers vegan skin care that’s free of soy, nut, dairy and gluten! The company says that their products are so natural, they would eat the natural ingredients in their skin care creams, how awesome is that?! I’m not recommending that anyone takes a taste, but their super natural skin care products are definitely worth a try!

8. Jason

Vegan skin care brand Jason has been blazing the natural skin care trail since 1959. They offer everything from toothpaste, skin care, deodorant and even some cool stuff just for kids! Jason is very affordable so you can get something for everyone in your family and feel like a boss for saving money and saving your skin!

Vegan skin care brands are becoming more common nowadays, which is great for our animal friends and our skin! Try out some of these awesome brands and see the difference in your skin from using non-toxic and plant-based products! Have you ever tried vegan skin care products before?

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Devita is awesome. I love their sunblock moisturizer

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