I think we all need to start eating healthy. On my list of 7 things to eat for good skin, I am mostly going to include fruits and vegetables, because I believe they are the most healthiest things you could possibly eat. For an even more added effect, try these foods below in organic form. Let me get started with that list now …
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7. Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe is not only tasty, but it is also good for your skin. When you consume this food, it increases the antioxidants in your body. This increases your chances of absorbing the free radicals, which help reduce skin problems and make your skin look and feel healthy.
6. Tomatoes
I just have to include this one, since it is my little girls favorite. This food is rich in antioxidants and has many benefits for your skin.
5. Plums
This is another fruit that is rich in antioxidants and good for your skin. I actually used to grow plums, in my opinion, they are not all that hard to grow.
4. Sweet Potatoes
When I was a little girl, I did not like sweet potatoes and now I do, which is great, because they are good for the skin. They are great for fighting off skin problems. Some people eat them with buttre or brown sugar (sweet potato casserole), but I think they are good all by themselves.
3. Carrots
I always thought carrots are good. They are full of Vitamin A. If you do not eat leafy green vegetables, then you should turn to some carrots. So, “What’s up doc?”
2. Grapefruit
Mind you, there are certain medications, like blood pressure medicine that says you cannot have grapefruit with it. So, before you have it, make sure those medications that you may be taking allow this. This food, just like an orange, is rich in Vitamin C and we all know Vitamin C helps when we are sick. It will also help to reduce those wrinkels.
1. Brussel Sprouts
Mind you, it is not just citrus that gives you vitamin C. Did you know that Brussel Sprouts will also give you vitamin C? Brussel Sprouts are really good for you, so you should give them a try. When I had them, I didn’t think I would like them, but I do. My little 6 year old also likes them, which is surprising, because many kids turn upside down when it comes time to eat those Brussel Sprouts.
There you have 7 things to eat for good skin. I must also say that in my opinion, these foods taste good. I always think things taste even better when we know that they are good for you. I think my favorite one on this list would definitely have to be cantaloupe. If you eat more of these foods, then you will find a healthier new you – it isn’t just your skin that will be benefiting from this food. What is your favorite food from the list I have just given you?
Top Photo Credit: trueblue126